Since May 9th, Europe Day, Le Monde has been holding a daily live coverage dedicated to the election campaign. From Monday to Friday, they are following the travels and speeches of the main candidates, as well as debates between candidates in France and the twenty-seven member states. On Wednesday, they are also asking directly: What does Europe represent for you? They are asking readers to share their testimonies, feelings, and experiences of the European Union (EU), which may sometimes seem distant, impersonal, and cold, but paradoxically is so present, often in an invisible way.
For the occasion, several regional correspondents in France will share concrete examples of EU funding and support in various projects and sectors that have a direct impact on daily life: agriculture, research, the non-profit sector, catering, fishing, health, etc. Some of the European correspondents will also offer a perspective on Europe from their countries. Historian and geographer Sylvain Kahn, a specialist in European integration, who teaches at Sciences Po and is a member of the Center for Political Research at Sciences Po, will answer questions about how the French people’s relationship with Europe has evolved over the major moments in the construction of the EU, starting at 11:15 am.
Read all our articles, analyses, and reports on the 2024 European elections.
Further reading resources available include a breakdown of the candidates in the 2024 European elections, a report on Manon Aubry campaigning with François Ruffin against outsourcing, a narrative discussing how Emmanuel Macron is considering a debate with Marine Le Pen to avoid a failure, a guide to understanding the 6-9 June election, a podcast discussing whether Europe is doing enough for the climate, and analysis on immigration and ecology as top priorities for the French, surpassing Macron’s vision of “Europe as a power”. Additionally, there is a decryption of the election timeline.
The daily live coverage aims to provide readers with a comprehensive insight into the election campaign and the various issues at stake. By following the movements and speeches of the leading candidates, readers can gain a better understanding of their policies and visions for Europe. The direct question about what Europe represents to individuals encourages personal reflection and engagement with the EU, highlighting both the perceived distance and the significant impact that Europe has on daily life. The inclusion of concrete examples of EU support in different sectors also showcases the tangible benefits of European cooperation and funding, making the EU’s presence more visible and relatable to readers.
Overall, the coverage offers a multi-faceted view of the European elections, combining political analysis, personal reflections, and expert perspectives to create a comprehensive and engaging resource for readers. By delving into the candidates, key issues, and the broader context of European politics, Le Monde provides readers with the tools and information they need to navigate the complexities of the election campaign and make informed decisions about the future of Europe.