Emmanuel Macron is willing to hold a national referendum on the controversial electoral reform in New Caledonia, particularly if local elected officials fail to reach an agreement on the issue. The President of France expressed his readiness to go to a referendum at any time regarding this reform, which has already been approved by the Senate and the National Assembly. Macron’s preference, however, is for the local elected officials in New Caledonia to reach a comprehensive agreement that would enhance the text already passed by Parliament. He will announce his decision on this matter in a month, at which point he will decide whether provincial elections can take place this year.
Following identical votes in both chambers of parliament, the president can choose to either hold a referendum or convene the Congress, consisting of deputies and senators, at Versailles to endorse a constitutional reform. The latter option had been favored until now, as parliamentarians were expected to finalize the electoral reform by the end of June. Macron emphasized that while he is willing to make conciliatory and inclusive gestures, he will not make decisions to postpone or suspend under pressure from violence. The President reiterated his hope that the elected officials in New Caledonia would come to a comprehensive agreement to supplement the reform passed by Parliament.
In an effort to ease tensions and promote peace, Macron is pushing for dialogue between the pro-independence and anti-independence factions in New Caledonia. Despite facing a deadlock in discussions between the two sides, Macron has received assurances from all parties involved that they are willing to resume comprehensive negotiations. The President emphasized his commitment to facilitating peace and reconciliation in the region and expressed a desire for the Caldonian people to vote on a potential agreement that may arise from discussions between local elected officials.
Macron acknowledged the challenges of post-conflict reconciliation and emphasized the importance of communities coming together after a period of violence. While there may be progress in reducing violence, the real challenge lies in rebuilding unity and coexisting harmoniously. Macron’s efforts to promote dialogue and facilitate agreements between different factions in New Caledonia demonstrate a commitment to peace and stability in the region. By offering the possibility of a referendum as a means of resolving the electoral reform issue, Macron is seeking to empower the local population and promote democratic decision-making processes. Ultimately, Macron’s actions reflect a dedication to finding peaceful solutions to complex political challenges in New Caledonia.