The story of the small N. who has just turned 10 days old is already marked by violence and abuse, as her mother L., a 17-year-old Guinean girl who arrived in Gran Canaria two months ago, was forced into marriage and raped by her husband. The Arcoíris migrant center, managed by the Samu Foundation, provides support and care for unaccompanied migrant girls like N. and her mother. These girls, fleeing from forced marriages, sexual exploitation, genital mutilation, and labor exploitation, require specialized attention and protection due to the specific risks they face as migrant females.
There are currently about 5,600 unaccompanied migrant minors under the care of the Canary Islands, with approximately 276 of them being girls. The increase in the number of migrant girls arriving in recent months has led to the opening of 13 specialized resources for them out of the 80 facilities in the archipelago. It is crucial for the entire state to get involved in caring for these vulnerable girls, as the Canary Islands alone cannot continue to provide adequate care for unaccompanied migrant children. Many of these girls have endured life-changing experiences and require support to rebuild their lives in a safe environment.
The prevalence of violence and forced marriages in Central and West Africa affects a significant number of adolescent girls, making their journey to places like Arcoíris even more challenging. The staff at the center, consisting of nine workers and three kitchen staff, provide a safe space for the girls to recover from traumatic experiences and share their stories. Through a process of emotional connection and trust-building, the girls slowly open up about their past and the hardships they have faced on their journey to the Canary Islands.
Some of the girls at Arcoíris have survived horrific experiences, such as T., a 13-year-old who underwent female genital mutilation in her home country. Another girl, pregnant at 15, arrived at the center after being subjected to multiple sexual assaults during her journey on a boat to the Canary Islands. Despite their traumatic pasts, the girls at Arcoíris find moments of joy and resilience, engaging in activities like studying at a local school, participating in workshops on women’s rights, and practicing dance routines. The center provides a supportive environment for the girls to regain their sense of agency and independence after fleeing from violence and exploitation.
Despite the challenges they have faced, the girls at Arcoíris display a sense of empowerment and freedom in their new environment, where they can express themselves and pursue their aspirations. Education plays a crucial role in their integration and recovery, with many girls attending school and accessing resources to support their learning. With the support of dedicated staff and resources, these girls are gradually rebuilding their lives and embracing their newfound freedom and opportunities. The stories of resilience and determination among the migrant girls at Arcoíris highlight the importance of providing safe spaces and comprehensive support for unaccompanied migrant minors, particularly girls who have experienced gender-based violence and exploitation.