TikTok is a treasure trove of beauty tips and tricks, with numerous videos offering advice on perfecting various makeup techniques. One popular tip making the rounds claims that the reason makeup may look bad is due to not using enough product. Tiana Renee, an LA-based livestream host, put this theory to the test and shared her experience on TikTok. Despite increasing the amount of makeup she used, Renee felt that her makeup looked the same as before. However, she did pick up some new skills during the experiment, such as using better brushes and tapping makeup in instead of swiping.
In the video, Renee explained that she had always felt that her makeup didn’t look like others’, leading her to try using more makeup than usual. She started with her base, using a combination of primer, foundation, and concealer, which was a departure from her usual routine. Despite feeling unsure about the process, Renee continued to apply more product to her face, including bronzer, blush, eye shadow, and mascara. She hoped that adding extra powder and other finishing touches would make a difference in the final look.
Renee’s use of excessive amounts of powder and other products did not result in the dramatic transformation she was expecting. Despite her best efforts, she felt that her makeup still looked the same as before, prompting her to ask viewers for tips on how to improve her makeup. While the experiment did not yield the desired outcome, Renee did gain new insights into her makeup routine and learned to approach certain steps differently, such as applying more product and using specific techniques for blending.
The video of Renee’s makeup experiment garnered over 1.6 million views and 83,000 likes on TikTok, sparking discussions about the effectiveness of using more product to achieve better makeup results. Some viewers may have been surprised by the outcome, as the prevailing belief is often that less is more when it comes to makeup application. However, Renee’s experience serves as a reminder that makeup is a highly personal and subjective process, with different techniques working for different individuals.
Overall, Renee’s makeup experiment on TikTok highlights the importance of trial and error in the beauty world. While some tips and tricks may work for certain people, they may not necessarily apply to everyone. By being open to trying new methods and products, individuals can discover what works best for them and tailor their routines accordingly. Ultimately, makeup is about self-expression and creativity, and experimenting with different techniques can lead to new discoveries and improvements in one’s skills.