Lady Maga, also known as Ryan Woods, a conservative drag performer, engaged in a conversation with an anti-Israel Pride marcher in Salt Lake City that was captured on video and has since gone viral. In the video, Lady Maga points out the contradictions in the marcher’s support for anti-gay Palestine, highlighting the fact that as a gay man, he would be punished or killed for being openly gay in Palestine. Lady Maga believes that part of his role is to expose what he sees as the modern hijacking of the gay movement, including issues like “Queers for Palestine,” which he describes as “humiliatingly stupid.”
Despite the controversial nature of the conversation, Lady Maga took a gentle and respectful approach to the discussion, aiming to engage the marcher in a dialogue rather than attack her. While he admits that his heart was breaking knowing he would share the video due to the marcher’s apparent ignorance, he believes it was important to do so. Lady Maga sees his alter-ego as a way to defy the left and to reclaim the dignified artistry of drag, rather than conforming to stereotypes of drag queens. He has received a positive reception from both Trump supporters and conservative crowds, even at events like the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).
Lady Maga’s presence at Trump rallies and conservative events has been met with open arms, even from those who may not typically support drag performers. Despite misconceptions about the MAGA movement, Woods believes that it is truly about love and unity, contrary to how it is often portrayed. He emphasizes that the movement is not made up of violent radicals but rather seeks to promote positive values. Lady Maga plans to continue making appearances at events as long as he can afford to do so, expressing a commitment to staying involved in the political landscape.
When engaging in conversations with individuals who hold opposing viewpoints, Lady Maga aims to promote respect and understanding rather than resorting to mockery or rudeness. He believes that having open and constructive dialogues is beneficial for both parties involved, even if differences persist. Lady Maga’s unique approach to political activism, particularly as a drag performer, has garnered attention and sparked discussions online about the intersection of LGBTQ rights and international politics. Despite potential challenges and criticism, Lady Maga remains determined to use his platform to advocate for what he believes in while maintaining a sense of dignity and respect.