Victoria Beckham recently showcased her incredibly toned figure in a mirror selfie on her Instagram, where she shared her Sunday morning gym routine. The Spice Girl, aged 50, looked stunning in a tiny black triangle Alo sports bra paired with high-waisted leggings and blue Nike wristbands. Later, she shared that her husband David had tried out her new Portofino hand cream and gave it rave reviews, despite not being a fan of hand creams in general. Victoria is expanding her beauty brand with a range of hand creams priced at £38 per bottle, with fans having the option to buy a box of all four for £137.
Harper Beckham, the 13-year-old daughter of Victoria and David, also joined in on the promotional fun by modelling her mother’s new hand cream range on Instagram. Harper filmed herself trying out the pricey moisturizers, accumulating nearly 100,000 likes in less than 24 hours. Victoria captioned the post ‘#HarperSeven trying out the new @VictoriaBeckhamBeauty Hand Creams… I love you so much!! Kisses xx.’ It is worth noting that Harper is yet to have her own Instagram account, as guidelines state that individuals aged 13 and over are allowed to create one.
In addition to expanding her beauty brand, Victoria recently named her latest handbag after her favorite restaurant, the Michelin-starred Dorian in Notting Hill. The Dorian, described as this year’s ‘It’ bag, is priced from £590 for a ‘nano’ version and £1,250 for a croc embossed leather style. Celebrities, including US actress Sofia Vergara, have already been seen sporting the elegant and chic bag. Victoria was spotted at Dorian once again on a Friday evening, enjoying a three-hour dinner date with hair stylist Ken Paves. The Beckham family also dined at Dorian with son Brooklyn and his wife Nicola Peltz while visiting London from Los Angeles, highlighting the family’s love for the restaurant with a reserved parking space.
Victoria Beckham’s beauty brand continues to thrive with the launch of her luxurious hand creams, creating buzz among fans and celebrities alike. The Beckham family’s presence at their favorite restaurant, Dorian in Notting Hill, further emphasizes their close-knit bond and appreciation for quality time together. Victoria’s dedication to expanding her brand and sharing her products with her family reflects her entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to creating high-quality, desirable products for her customers. Harper Beckham’s involvement in promoting her mother’s hand cream range showcases her emerging star power and potential for a successful future in the fashion and beauty industry.
Through her social media posts and product launches, Victoria Beckham continues to engage with her audience and promote her beauty brand effectively. The positive response to her hand creams, both from David Beckham and their daughter Harper, demonstrates the quality and appeal of her products. With her latest handbag collection also generating excitement and being embraced by celebrities, Victoria is solidifying her status as a fashion icon and successful businesswoman. Her frequent visits to Dorian reflect her appreciation for fine dining and family time, further endearing her to fans and showcasing her down-to-earth nature despite her high-profile status. Overall, Victoria Beckham’s recent endeavors highlight her multifaceted talents and ability to excel in various aspects of the fashion and beauty industries.