Former President Trump is making a bold push into traditionally blue states, Virginia and Minnesota, with the 2024 presidential election approaching. The Trump campaign is opening a combined 19 field offices in these states, which have reliably voted Democrat in recent elections. The campaign has secured leases for 8 field offices in Minnesota and 11 in Virginia, hiring staff to manage each state and build out teams to work in each field office to support the former president. Collateral materials are expected to arrive early in July, with recruitment for Trump Force 47 Captains underway.
The campaign views both Minnesota and Virginia as competitive in the upcoming election, hoping to flip both states to expand the 2024 electoral map. Internal surveys have suggested that both states are in play, with Donald Trump in a position to win key electoral votes. Virginia has not been won by a Republican in a presidential election for two decades, with recent polling indicating a close race. A Fox News poll showed President Biden and former President Trump at 48% each in Virginia, indicating a tight contest. In Minnesota, a state that hasn’t been won by a Republican in over half a century, recent polling has shown a competitive race between the two candidates.
President Trump narrowly lost Minnesota in the 2016 election but is optimistic about winning the state in 2024. The poll showed a significant enthusiasm gap, with Trump supporters being much more enthusiastic about voting for their candidate compared to Biden supporters. This enthusiasm gap could potentially work in Trump’s favor as he aims to secure victory in Minnesota. The former president is making a strategic move to target both states, setting up field offices and mobilizing supporters in preparation for the upcoming election.
The Trump campaign is focused on expanding its operations in Virginia and Minnesota, viewing them as competitive races with the potential for a Republican victory. The campaign is working to build out teams in each field office to support the former president and flip both states in his favor. The recent polling data indicating a close race in both states has energized the campaign and reinforced its decision to invest resources in these areas. Trump’s prediction of winning Minnesota shows his confidence in his ability to secure votes and potentially carry the state in the 2024 election.
With less than five months until the 2024 presidential election, the Trump campaign is making significant efforts to mobilize supporters and secure victories in traditionally blue states. By opening a total of 19 field offices in Virginia and Minnesota, the campaign is laying the groundwork for a successful electoral strategy. The recent polling data showing competitive races in both states has boosted the campaign’s morale and reinforced its decision to focus on flipping these states. Trump’s bold push into Virginia and Minnesota signals his determination to expand the electoral map and secure a victory in the upcoming election.