Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India has made several political decisions over the past decade that have favored the Hindu majority in the country. These decisions include preventing Muslim migrants from gaining citizenship, revoking the semi-autonomy of the country’s only Muslim-majority region, and building a Hindu temple where a mosque was razed. As a result, Muslim representation in Indian politics has decreased significantly, with only a small number of Muslim lawmakers currently holding seats in parliament and state legislatures.
The upcoming elections in 2024 are crucial for the Muslim population in India, who are facing increased tensions and discrimination under Modi’s leadership. The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) promotes a Hindu-nationalist ideology, further marginalizing Muslims in the political landscape. Despite making up a significant portion of India’s population, Muslims have limited representation in government and continue to face inequality in areas such as education, income, and access to resources.
Under Modi’s administration, the BJP has introduced laws and policies that discriminate against Muslims, such as restrictions on interfaith marriages and dress codes. Violence against Muslims is also a common occurrence in India, with little government intervention to address the issue. Modi himself has made inflammatory statements against Muslims, further fueling tensions and divisions in the country.
Muslims in India are struggling to find political representation and a cohesive agenda due to the diverse nature of their community. While the BJP has made some outreach efforts to Muslims, very few Muslim candidates have been fielded by the party in recent elections. Opposition parties also hesitate to nominate Muslim candidates out of fear of alienating Hindu voters, further exacerbating the lack of representation for Muslims in Indian politics.
Despite some efforts to include Muslim politicians in the political landscape, the overall trend in India shows a decline in Muslim representation in government. Muslim leaders are calling for fair and equal representation of all communities in democracies like India, emphasizing the importance of diversity and inclusivity in political decision-making. The upcoming elections will be a test for the future of Muslim political power in India, as they struggle to navigate a system that seems increasingly stacked against them.