Christopher Barrett, a Pennsylvania teenager, recently made headlines after catching a record-breaking white perch while fishing with his dad in April. The fish weighed two pounds and one ounce, beating the previous state record by five ounces. The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission announced the catch, which took place in the Delaware River near Chester. The father and son were targeting striped bass and catfish but also caught the unusually large perch.
The perch that Barrett reeled in measured 14.125 inches long and had a girth of 12.25 inches, making it immediately clear to the father and son that it was larger than any they had seen before. Initially, they thought it had broken the state record by two ounces, but after further investigation, it was found to be two ounces lighter. Barrett attributed the size of the fish to the fact that it was full of eggs. He described the catch as a combination of skill, luck, and good timing.
Barrett and his father are avid fishermen and fishing together is their favorite activity. The teenager plans to send the record-breaking white perch to a taxidermist to preserve the memory of the catch. He expressed gratitude for the record but highlighted that the best part of the experience was being able to share it with his dad. The pair go fishing together frequently, and catching the record-breaking fish was a moment they will never forget.
The catch was made on a fishing boat in the Delaware River just below the Commodore Barry Bridge. The father and son were using heavy-duty spinning rods with fish finder rigs and circle hooks baited with bloodworms to attract striped bass and catfish, but they were also catching white perch. The 19-year-old teenager, Barrett, made the catch around 11 a.m., with both anglers noticing the unusually large size of the fish.
The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, in their press release, recognized Christopher Barrett’s achievement in breaking the white perch record. The previous record had stood since 2008, making Barrett’s catch a significant achievement in the state. Barrett’s skill, luck, and timing were highlighted as factors that contributed to the record-breaking catch. The teenager’s passion for fishing was evident in his plans to have the fish preserved by a taxidermist.
Barrett expressed his excitement at breaking the state record and his gratitude for being able to experience it with his dad, emphasizing the importance of their shared fishing trips. The white perch caught by Barrett was confirmed to be the new state record holder, weighing two pounds and one ounce. The teenager’s dedication to fishing and the support of his father were key elements in the memorable catch. The bond between father and son was strengthened by the shared experience of catching a record-breaking fish.