The town of Geary, Oklahoma experienced a significant shakeup as the police chief and three officers, along with two city council members, abruptly resigned from their positions. Former Police Chief Alicia Ford did not provide specific reasons for the resignations but indicated that it was a difficult decision. She encouraged residents to get involved in the city, especially by attending council meetings. The departures left the small town of nearly 1,000 people in a state of uncertainty with only one city council member remaining.
Despite the lack of concrete explanation for the resignations, the city issued a statement thanking the former chief and officers and announced the appointment of an interim police chief. The statement assured residents that normal police services would continue and advised them to call 911 in cases of emergency. The Blaine County and Canadian County sheriffs’ offices were enlisted to provide additional support to the town in the absence of a functioning police department.
City Council members Glen “Rocky” Coleman Jr. and Kristy Miller also resigned, citing mismatched values and poor communication between the administration and council. Coleman expressed frustration at being kept in the dark about important decisions and plans until council meetings, leaving him with little information. The mass resignations have left the city council severely understaffed, with only one member remaining following Coleman and Miller’s departures.
The interim police chief, who was not officially named by the city, was identified as JJ Stitt in media reports. Stitt, a 27-year law enforcement veteran with a background in various specializations, expressed his intention to add more officers to the town’s police force in the near future. He emphasized his experience in handling law enforcement matters and his ability to call in additional support as needed from experienced officers to ensure public safety in Geary, Oklahoma.
The resignations in Geary are reminiscent of a similar incident in the small town of Goodhue, Minnesota, where the entire police department stepped down due to low pay. While the reasons for the departures in Geary remain unclear, the impact on the town’s governance and law enforcement services is significant. With calls for greater transparency and communication between officials and the community, the town faces challenges in rebuilding its police force and city council while maintaining public safety and order.
As Geary navigates this period of transition, residents are encouraged to engage with local government and participate in decision-making processes to ensure accountability and transparency. The sudden resignations underscore the importance of effective communication and collaboration between elected officials, law enforcement personnel, and the community to address issues and concerns in a timely and transparent manner. The appointment of an interim police chief and the support from neighboring sheriff’s offices provide temporary solutions, but long-term stability and service delivery will depend on the town’s ability to attract qualified personnel and promote an environment of openness and trust.