Are you a fan of Star Wars? If so, happy May the Fourth! Today is known as Star Wars Day, with the saying “May the 4th be with you.” In celebration, there is usually new Star Wars content dropping on platforms like Disney Plus. However, if you’re not into Star Wars, there’s always Wordle to keep you entertained.
For those looking for hints, clues, and answers for today’s Wordle, the hint is “A good deal” and the clue is that the word ends with two vowels. Spoiler alert: the answer is VALUE. The author of the article shared their experience playing Wordle, where they were close to guessing in three but ended up getting the word in four guesses. They also explained the scoring system for competitive Wordle.
The word “value” has origins in Latin, coming from the noun “valere,” which means “to be strong, be worth.” Through the years, it evolved into the Old French word “valoir,” which also meant “to be worth,” before entering English in the 14th century with the meaning of “worth, merit, or importance.” The usage of the word has expanded to include various meanings related to worth, importance, and significance in different contexts.
For those interested in playing Wordle competitively, there is a scoring system in place based on the number of guesses it takes to get the word right. Guessing in one move is worth three points, while guessing in two is worth two points. Guessing in three is worth one point, while guessing in four earns zero points. Guessing in five or six results in negative points, with a missed word being the lowest score.
Whether you’re a fan of Star Wars or simply enjoy playing Wordle, there’s something for everyone on May the Fourth. Be sure to check out the author’s blog for their daily Wordle and Strands guides, along with other content such as TV show reviews, streaming guides, movie reviews, and video game coverage. Thank you for stopping by and may the force be with you as you tackle today’s Wordle puzzle!