The Meloni effect on French politics has sparked a variety of opinions among Italians and French nationals living in Italy. A poll conducted in Italy found that most Italians believe French President Emmanuel Macron made the right decision in calling for snap elections following the EU vote. However, when Euronews spoke to individuals on the streets of Rome, some expressed concerns about Europe’s shift to the right, with specific reference to France. Despite this, a common theme emerged – the comparison between the rise of the extreme right in France and the success of Italy’s Giorgia Meloni.
Antonio Villafranca, Vice President for Research at the ISPI Institute, believes that right-wing parties in France could look to follow Meloni’s example, despite differences between her party and Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National in terms of their stance on Ukraine and NATO. The tensions between Meloni and Macron were evident at the G7 summit, particularly regarding abortion rights within the EU. However, some French nationals living in Italy have noticed a positive impact of Meloni’s influence on Italy, leading to a more optimistic outlook on the potential rise of Rassemblement National in France. There is a sense of cautious optimism among some, as Meloni has proven to work effectively with European institutions and temper some of her more extreme proposals.
For some younger French nationals living abroad, Macron’s decision to call for snap elections has provoked thoughts of returning to France and becoming more politically engaged. Sarah Hannah, who works at the French Cultural Institute in Rome, notes the heightened interest in Italian politics among the French community in Italy. The stability of the Italian political landscape in comparison to past years has shifted the focus onto France, with many eagerly awaiting the outcome of the upcoming elections, both for the country itself and for the wider European political landscape.
In Italy, there is a mix of opinions regarding the impact of the Meloni effect on French politics. Despite some concerns about Europe’s rightward shift, there is recognition that Meloni’s success in Italy could serve as a model for right-wing parties in France. The differences between Meloni’s party’s stance and that of Rassemblement National do present challenges in finding common ground within the wider ID political group. The tensions between Macron and Meloni at the G7 summit highlight some of the ideological differences between the two leaders, particularly regarding abortion rights.
French nationals living in Italy have a unique perspective on the political situation, with some feeling more impacted by the changes in French politics from abroad. While concerns about the rise of Rassemblement National exist, there is a sense of hope that the party will moderate its more extreme proposals once in power. The interest in Italian politics among the French community in Italy reflects a broader trend of increased political engagement among younger generations abroad. The stability of the Italian political landscape has shifted attention onto France, with many eagerly anticipating the outcome of the upcoming elections and the potential implications for both the country and Europe as a whole.