Sorrell Shiflett, a man with cognitive difficulties due to a previous brain injury, was violently beaten by two California police officers, leading to a brain hemorrhage and strokes, according to a federal lawsuit. The incident occurred in October 2019 in San Leandro when officers Ismael Navarro and Anthony Pantoja stopped Shiflett and his cousin while they were walking. Shiflett, dressed as an anime character, became afraid and tried to run home to get his father to explain his condition to the officers. However, the officers confronted him and used batons and tasers to subdue him.
The officers chased Shiflett, hitting him on the head with their batons and tasing him multiple times before dumping him at a nearby hospital. Shiflett was never charged with any crimes, but he suffered significant injuries as a result of the beating. San Leandro has agreed to settle Shiflett’s lawsuit for $3.9 million, although there was no admission of liability or wrongdoing by the city or the officers. The encounter with Shiflett led to changes in the San Leandro Police Department’s body-worn camera policy, allowing for longer retention of footage for future review.
San Leandro public information officer Paul Sanftner explained that Shiflett was wearing a Karate Gi and a black belt at the time of the incident and was on active probation. Shiflett admitted to carrying a knife and consented to a search before fleeing and taking a fighting stance when the officers caught up with him. A baton strike to his hand and the deployment of a taser caused Shiflett to fall, hitting his head on the ground. Subsequent search revealed drugs and throwing knives in his possession. It was later determined that Shiflett aggravated a pre-existing brain injury during the confrontation.
Charges filed against Shiflett were dropped a few weeks after the incident, and the lawsuit settlement was reached in mutual interest. Despite the resolution, Officer Navarro still works for the San Leandro Police Department, while Officer Pantoja no longer does. Shiflett’s attorneys maintain that the officers’ actions were unlawful and cruel, and that Shiflett’s disability should have been taken into account during the encounter. The incident has brought attention to police body camera practices, resulting in policy updates to ensure longer retention of footage for future cases.
The encounter with Sorrell Shiflett highlights the challenges and dangers faced by individuals with disabilities during police interactions. The incident, which resulted in severe injuries and a significant settlement, has raised questions about police conduct and accountability. While the lawsuit has been settled, the impact on Shiflett’s physical and mental well-being remains. The changes in body camera policies indicate a recognition of the need for greater transparency and oversight in law enforcement interactions with the community. Moving forward, it is essential for police departments to prioritize de-escalation tactics and sensitivity to individuals with special needs to prevent similar incidents in the future.