Madeline Gaudreau, the widow of late hockey player Matthew Gaudreau, recently gave birth to their first child together, a son named Tripp Matthew. She shared a photo of herself holding the newborn’s hand on Instagram, accompanied by a caption expressing love for her son and late husband. The post received an outpouring of supportive messages from followers, acknowledging the bittersweet moment of joy and sadness as Madeline welcomes her new baby without Matthew by her side.
The tragic death of Matthew Gaudreau and his brother Johnny occurred in August when they were hit by a drunk driver while riding bikes in New Jersey. The driver, Sean M. Higgins, was charged with vehicular homicide due to being under the influence of alcohol at the time of the crash. The brothers were set to be groomsmen at their sister Katie Gaudreau’s wedding the following day, which had to be canceled due to the unexpected loss. The community rallied around Madeline and her unborn child during this difficult time.
Following the devastating loss of her husband, Madeline shared her grief on social media, expressing the deep pain of losing someone so loved. She vowed to continue on for him and their son, speaking directly to Matthew in her heartfelt posts. The family’s tragic story touched many, as Madeline’s sister set up a GoFundMe to support her during this challenging period. The news of Madeline’s pregnancy brought both joy and sorrow as she navigated the loss of her husband while preparing to welcome their child into the world.
As Madeline prepared for the arrival of her and Matthew’s son, she was surrounded by love and support from friends and family. A baby shower was held in October with a theme of “A Little Piece of Heaven,” reflecting the emotional journey she had been on as she looked forward to meeting her son. The decorations and atmosphere of the shower brought a mix of joy and nostalgia, with Madeline expressing gratitude to those who helped make the event memorable. She acknowledged that while nothing could bring back her late husband and brother-in-law, she was comforted by the presence of loving people around her and her baby.
The birth of Tripp Matthew marked a new chapter for Madeline and her son, giving her the opportunity to cherish the legacy of her late husband. She shared updates on social media, allowing followers to be a part of her journey as she navigated motherhood without Matthew by her side. The community continued to show support and sympathy, acknowledging the strength and resilience Madeline displayed throughout such a challenging time in her life. Despite the loss of Matthew and Johnny, their memory lived on through the arrival of Tripp, bringing hope and healing to Madeline and her family.