K-pop fans worldwide are utilizing their online community to advocate for climate and environmental activism. One such group, Kpop4Planet, founded by fans Nurul Sarifah and Dayeon Lee, successfully petitioned South Korean automaker Hyundai Motor Co. to scrap a deal linked to coal power plants in Indonesia. This demonstrates the growing influence of K-pop fans in online activism, as they join forces with other climate activist groups to raise awareness and protest against environmental issues. The ability of K-pop fans to quickly mobilize a large group has made them a powerful lobby online, participating in various causes such as the Black Lives Matter movement.
Kpop4Planet collaborated with Korea Beyond Coal in 2021 to raise awareness about plans for a coal-burning power plant near Maengbang Beach, a popular destination for fans of the K-pop band BTS. Despite the plant still moving forward, the joint efforts of Kpop4Planet and Korea Beyond Coal were successful in highlighting the environmental concerns associated with coal power. This partnership demonstrates the potential for K-pop fans to effect change and create social impacts through collective action and advocacy. By leveraging their influence and camaraderie, K-pop fans aim to drive sustainable change in society while continuing to support their favorite artists.
Stephanie Choi, a postdoctoral associate at the University of Buffalo studying K-pop culture, notes that K-pop fan clubs have a history of activism and philanthropy dating back to the 1960s. K-pop fans regularly organize large groups on social media platforms to support their favorite artists, buy gifts, and promote various causes. Sarifah and Lee of Kpop4Planet have aligned their activities with different causes, starting with urging entertainment companies to reduce waste associated with the K-pop fan culture of collecting photo cards. While entertainment companies have not directly responded to their petitions, there have been positive changes, such as the release of eco-friendly albums and more sustainable practices within the industry.
Kpop4Planet’s successful petition against Hyundai Motor Co. highlighted the company’s agreement to purchase aluminum from projects linked to coal power in Indonesia. The group garnered over 10,000 signatures on their petition within two months, urging Hyundai to withdraw from the project until it phases out coal and discloses details about the energy used in aluminum production. Hyundai Motor ultimately ended its agreement with Adaro Energy Indonesia, a significant victory for Kpop4Planet and their supporters. This achievement showcases the power of collective action and advocacy in addressing climate-related issues and holding corporations accountable for their environmental impact.
The collaboration between Kpop4Planet, other climate activist groups, and dedicated K-pop fans exemplifies a new wave of online activism driven by passionate communities with a shared interest in promoting sustainability and environmental awareness. By utilizing social media platforms and online petitions, these groups are able to amplify their voices and push for positive change on a global scale. The success of campaigns like those led by Kpop4Planet serves as a testament to the influence and impact that K-pop fans can have when they come together in support of a common cause.Ultimately, their efforts not only raise awareness about environmental issues but also encourage companies and organizations to adopt more sustainable practices in response to consumer demand and pressure from dedicated fan communities.