Justin Tobin, the President and founder of Gather, advocates for a truly “independent” agency and challenges the traditional binary choices surrounding workplace models. Instead of focusing solely on in-person vs. remote work or other strict mandates, Tobin believes that effective leaders should see hybrid models as an opportunity to diversify their businesses. According to ResumeBuilder, nearly 40% of employees are unhappy with return-to-office mandates, and 29% plan to resign if enforced.
Tobin emphasizes the importance of reconceptualizing the term “hybrid” to recognize the various work styles, roles, and departments within an organization. Rather than imposing a one-size-fits-all approach, he suggests embracing diversity in employment types, including full-time employees, agency partners, and independents. By fostering a dynamic and agile workforce, companies can better navigate evolving and unpredictable times by allowing their workforce and workflow to actively shape a tailored hybrid/remote team model.
The concept of “hybrid” extends beyond remote or flexible work arrangements and influences the very processes that drive organizational success. Tobin highlights the role of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and encourages executives to prioritize solutions that align with the organization’s people and processes. While AI can enhance efficiency, companies must strike a balance between AI’s capabilities and the irreplaceable human touch to truly boost productivity.
As the traditional workforce structure evolves, organizations are increasingly embracing a fluid, flexible, and scalable workforce model that blends full-time employees and contract workers. Research shows that around 45% of the working population is engaging in independent work, reflecting a return to a preindustrial model where independence was the standard. Tobin emphasizes the importance of embracing a diverse workforce that spans full-time employees, remote workers, consultants, and freelancers to tap into the best talent for each role.
Many leaders have become fixated on absolutes, such as strict return-to-office mandates, overlooking the diverse and nuanced elements that make up a company’s processes, product offerings, and work styles. Tobin urges leaders to empower their employees and shape an optimal work model that embraces all facets of hybrid by relinquishing control and aligning their leadership style with the ever-changing values of their workforce. By embracing a more inclusive, effective, and sustainable hybrid model, companies can foster happiness and success within their organizations.
Forbes Business Council recognizes the importance of embracing hybrid work models and the evolving nature of the workforce. By advocating for diversity, flexibility, and inclusivity in employment types, organizations can create dynamic and agile teams that thrive in the face of uncertainty and change. Justin Tobin’s insights highlight the benefits of reconceptualizing hybrid work models and challenging traditional binary choices to create a more sustainable and effective workplace.