Selling Sunset star Chelsea Lazkani has filed for divorce from her husband Jeff Lazkani, citing infidelity as the reason for the split. The couple had been together for seven years and share two children, Maddox and Melia. Chelsea reportedly suspected Jeff of cheating for months and decided to file for divorce after catching him in the act. She has requested joint custody of their children and spousal support, but did not ask the court to terminate Jeff’s ability to request alimony. The couple met on Tinder in 2015 and Jeff helped Chelsea secure a spot on the reality show after introducing her to Jason Oppenheim.
Chelsea recently posted on Instagram hinting at her marital woes, sharing a series of photos with a caption alluding to life challenges. Jeff was not featured in the post, adding to the speculation surrounding their relationship. The divorce news comes in the wake of Selling Sunset co-star Christine Quinn’s husband, Christian Richard, being arrested for allegedly throwing a bag containing glass at Quinn, which hit their young son. Following the incident, Quinn obtained a restraining order against Richard and is reportedly planning to file for divorce. Richard has since denied the allegations, claiming he threw the bag at the wall, not at Quinn, and it contained only rags and paper towels.
The divorce between Chelsea and Jeff Lazkani has reportedly been looming for weeks, with Chelsea being devastated by the situation, especially for the sake of their children. Chelsea believes Jeff’s infidelity has been ongoing for months, and she wanted to catch him in the act before deciding to file for divorce. The couple is not on speaking terms, and Chelsea wants Jeff to stay out of the house. Chelsea had met Jeff on Tinder in 2015, and he played a role in helping her secure a spot on Selling Sunset through his connection with Jason Oppenheim. The real estate mogul had introduced Chelsea to Jason, leading to her appearance on the show in 2022.
With Chelsea’s divorce filing coming after seven years of marriage, she has requested joint physical and legal custody of their kids, as well as spousal support. Jeff has not yet publicly commented on the situation. The divorce news sheds light on the personal lives of Selling Sunset stars, with Chelsea not being the only one experiencing relationship challenges. Christine Quinn’s husband, Christian Richard, was arrested for violence against Quinn and their son, leading to the couple’s plans for divorce. Richard has denied the allegations and claims that the incident was a misunderstanding. The Selling Sunset stars continue to navigate their personal lives amidst their public personas on the reality show.