David Chase, the mastermind behind the hit show “The Sopranos,” initially doubted the show’s success, thinking, “Who’ll watch a show about my mother.” However, after adding a badass character, Tony Soprano was born. The HBO special “Wise Guy: David Chase and ‘The Sopranos'” delves into the creation of the show with lots of behind-the-scenes details. Kelsey Grammer was seen guest bartending on Long Island to promote his brewery while anecdotes of Salvador Dalí bringing his pet ocelot to a bar have surfaced. A podcast featuring Bill Maher and guests like Martin Short and Richard Dreyfuss also shares interesting stories from the entertainment industry.
While some people enjoy a carefree holiday season, others may not have it as easy. The writer recounts informing his editors at the New York Post about taking time off during the holidays, while one editor is enjoying a vacation in Greece and the other is in the western United States. Despite the writer’s confidence in his opinions, he admits that only Robert Kennedy’s dead bear would vote for him. Stories of kindness and humility are also shared, such as a foot doctor offering a pretzel to a homeless man who refuses to eat it because it was touched by the doctor.
A modern adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” has become a hit on Broadway, offering upgraded seats for a hefty price. The writer recalls purchasing two drinks during intermission at a high cost, joking that Vice President Kamala Harris’s pantsuits cost less. Financial struggles are also highlighted, including credit card debt, mortgages, and college loans, emphasizing the challenges many people face in today’s society. The writer humorously comments that anyone not in debt these days is not trying, emphasizing the widespread issue of financial strain beyond just New York City.
Overall, the content explores various aspects of popular culture, including the creation of iconic TV shows like “The Sopranos” and famous personalities like Salvador Dalí. The writer juxtaposes the luxury and ease enjoyed by some during the holidays with the challenges faced by others, highlighting both humorous anecdotes and serious issues like financial struggles. Through these observations, the writer offers a unique perspective on modern society, blending humor with social commentary to provide a comprehensive view of the world around us.