Cumberland Council’s meeting on May 1 was a typical gathering with various topics on the agenda including a traffic report, a cycling strategy, and a study on local shops. One key item up for discussion was the adoption of the Library Strategy 2024-2027, which outlined the direction for the council’s eight libraries for the next four years. The strategy had been previously approved unanimously by the council and had been on public exhibition for feedback. Councillors needed to give their final approval to the plan.
During the meeting, Councillor Paul Garrard of the Our Local Community party expressed dissatisfaction that the library strategy did not address the usage of a historical site owned by the council. In a controversial moment, Garrard referred to a female councillor as a “witch doctor,” which led to a request from the mayor to withdraw the comment. Another councillor, Steve Christou, also caused a stir by bringing up the presence of a book called Same-Sex Parents in the library’s children’s section, claiming that parents were upset by its inclusion and suggesting a ban on such materials.
Christou’s amendment to remove same-sex parents books from the library passed by a narrow margin, with Labor councillor Mohamad Hussein breaking ranks with his party to support the motion. However, Garrard later admitted that the motion had been hastily drafted during the meeting and was worded incorrectly. Despite this, the motion was still approved, sparking backlash and condemnation from various groups, including the NSW premier, Labor colleagues, and community members. Arts Minister John Graham even threatened to withhold funding for Cumberland’s libraries due to concerns over freedom of access to information.
Following the controversy, a rescission motion led by four Labor councillors was proposed, along with a letter from Arts Minister Graham addressing the council’s decision. The ban on the book Same-Sex Parents had stirred up significant debate and criticism, pushing the issue to the forefront of discussion at subsequent council meetings. The situation highlighted the importance of thoughtful and thorough decision-making processes, as well as the potential consequences of hastily created policies and motions. The Council faced scrutiny and pressure to reconsider its actions in light of the backlash and concerns raised by important stakeholders.