Researchers have identified neuroendocrine cells in the larynx and trachea that play a crucial role in triggering reflexes like coughing when water or acid pass through the airways. While these cells are typically known for releasing hormones, their function in the upper airways was previously unknown. These cells are essential in protecting the airways from harmful substances that could lead to breathing difficulties.
Scientists were surprised by the detection capabilities of these cells, which communicate with the nervous system to trigger protective reflexes. Neurophysiologist Laura Seeholzer at the University of California, San Francisco, highlights the importance of the larynx and trachea as gatekeepers for the airways. Unwanted substances entering the airways can cause damage and impact breathing, emphasizing the critical role of these cells in maintaining respiratory function.
Recent experiments with mouse cells in lab dishes revealed that the neuroendocrine cells in the larynx and trachea respond to water and acid stimuli by becoming active and triggering responses like swallowing and coughing. This mechanism helps in expelling harmful substances from the airways and protecting the lungs. By acting as sensory detectors and communicating with the nervous system, these cells play a vital role in preserving airway health and function.
The discovery of these sensory cells in the upper airways sheds light on a previously unknown aspect of their function. Unlike neuroendocrine cells in the lungs that respond to pressure changes, the cells in the larynx and trachea specifically respond to water and acid stimuli. Their activation leads to behaviors like swallowing and coughing that are essential in expelling harmful substances that could cause damage to the airways.
The intricate network of cells and communication with the nervous system in the upper airways helps in protecting individuals from harmful substances. These cells act similarly to taste buds or outer skin cells by detecting stimuli and activating protective responses to ensure the respiratory system functions effectively. Understanding the role of these neuroendocrine cells provides valuable insights into respiratory health and the body’s defense mechanisms against harmful substances.
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