In the community of Southwood in Calgary, residents were concerned about the lack of streetlights that had gone dark, posing a safety risk to children playing outside in the dark. It took weeks for the city to respond to the repairs needed, leaving residents frustrated. The lack of lighting also made it difficult for residents to navigate the streets safely, especially during the winter months when ice accumulation could be a hazard. The delays in addressing the issue were attributed to a change in contractors and harsh winter conditions that led to a backlog in repairs.
An audit conducted by the City of Calgary in November 2022 revealed that the average wait time for high-priority streetlight repairs was 77 days, far exceeding the expected 14-day timeline. Troy McLeod, director of mobility with the City of Calgary, explained that various factors such as severe winter weather, underground wire failures, and supply chain challenges contributed to the delays in addressing the outages. However, the streetlight team worked to resolve the issue by hiring extra help and streamlining their processes, resulting in a decrease in response time to 10 days and fewer outages.
The City of Calgary manages over 105,000 streetlight luminaires with a replacement value of $1.9 billion, receiving up to 800 calls a month for repairs. Despite the challenges faced by the streetlight team, McLeod stated that the success rate for repairs is now at an impressive 99.8%. Residents were encouraged to report any non-functioning streetlights by calling 311 or using the city app to request service, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a well-lit environment for the safety of all residents. The city’s efforts to improve response times and address the backlog of repairs have been successful in resolving the issue of dark streetlights in the Southwood community and beyond.
The residents of Southwood expressed relief and gratitude for the swift actions taken by the city to address the streetlight outages, ensuring the safety of their community. Those who had raised concerns about the lack of lighting in parks, playgrounds, and school zones were pleased to see the issue resolved and appreciated the efforts made by the streetlight team. The improved response time and success rate in repairing streetlights have alleviated the concerns of residents and restored their confidence in the city’s ability to maintain a safe and well-lit environment for all.
Moving forward, the City of Calgary plans to continue monitoring and addressing streetlight outages promptly to ensure the safety of its residents. By learning from the issues faced during the repairs in Southwood and implementing measures to streamline the process, the city aims to prevent similar delays in the future. Residents are encouraged to report any streetlight outages they come across to help maintain a well-lit and safe community for all. The successful resolution of the streetlight issues in Southwood serves as a reminder of the importance of timely maintenance and repairs in ensuring the safety and well-being of residents in Calgary and beyond.