Maggie Smith, the acclaimed actor known for her roles in “Downton Abbey,” “Harry Potter” and “The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie,” passed away at 89. Her sons confirmed her death on Sept. 27, 2024, stating that she died in a London hospital. The cause of her death was not shared, but Smith had been open about her health struggles throughout her career, including her battles with Graves’ disease, breast cancer, and other conditions.
In 1988, when Smith was starring in the play “Lettice and Lovage,” she was diagnosed with Graves’ disease, a disorder that affects the thyroid gland. She experienced symptoms such as irritability, tremors, fatigue, and changes in eye shape. Despite facing challenges due to the disease, Smith continued to perform with the help of medication and determination. She underwent treatment, including radiation and surgery, during her recovery period.
While filming “Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince,” Smith discovered a lump in her breast, leading to a breast cancer diagnosis. She underwent two years of treatment, including chemotherapy and radiation, which she described as “hideous.” Despite the toll it took on her, Smith continued to work, wearing a wig while on set as Professor Minerva McGonagall. She expressed uncertainty about returning to theater work after her cancer battle.
In 2016, Smith underwent hip replacement surgery, causing her to miss the Golden Globe Awards where she was nominated for her performance in “The Lady in the Van.” She later stated that she felt much better after the surgery but had difficulty sitting for long periods, especially on airplanes. Additionally, Smith revealed that she had glaucoma in one eye, affecting her vision, although the timing of when she developed the condition was not disclosed.
Throughout her health struggles, Smith remained candid about the challenges she faced and how they impacted her work and life. She expressed fear and uncertainty about returning to theater after her cancer treatment, citing the toll it took on her. Despite these challenges, Smith persevered and continued to deliver outstanding performances, earning her numerous awards and accolades throughout her career. Ultimately, after a life filled with memorable roles and contributions to the entertainment industry, Smith leaves a lasting legacy as one of the most respected actors of her generation.