Atlanta police have released bodycam footage showing the arrest of Douglas County Probate Judge Christina Peterson after she allegedly struck an officer outside a nightclub. The incident occurred in the early hours of the morning when the officer responded to a commotion outside the Red Martini Restaurant and Lounge. Peterson, who was being escorted out of the venue by security, began yelling and pushing the officer, ultimately leading to her arrest on charges of simple battery against a police officer and obstruction of a law enforcement officer.
Despite the allegations against her, Peterson’s lawyer and Fulton County Commissioner Marvin Arrington Jr. defended her actions, claiming that she was trying to help another woman who was being attacked by an unknown man outside the lounge. The woman, Alexandria Love, supported Peterson’s version of events during a press conference, stating that Peterson was the only one who came to her aid. Arrington called on the lounge to release surveillance footage to corroborate Peterson’s account, suggesting that she should not have been arrested based on eyewitness testimony.
Peterson’s arrest comes at a turbulent time in her judicial career, as she has previously faced disciplinary action for “systemic incompetence” by a Judicial Qualifications Commission panel. The panel recommended her removal from office due to her failure to perform her duties adequately, violations of courthouse rules, mistreatment of courthouse staff, and inappropriate social media behavior. The Georgia Supreme Court will ultimately decide Peterson’s fate as a judge based on the panel’s recommendation.
During the arrest, Peterson refused to cooperate with the officer, leading to additional charges of obstruction as she cursed and struggled against being placed in custody. Footage from the officer’s body camera captured Peterson’s confrontational behavior and subsequent transportation to Fulton County Jail for processing. Peterson’s outbursts and resistance to the officer’s attempts to identify her led to the issuance of arrest warrants for the battery and obstruction charges she faces.
The incident involving Peterson highlights the difficulties faced by law enforcement officers in managing confrontational situations with individuals who refuse to comply with commands and cooperate during an arrest. Peterson’s lawyer and the woman she was allegedly defending both supported her actions during the press conference, suggesting that there may have been extenuating circumstances that led to the altercation with the officer outside the lounge. Ultimately, the legal system will determine the outcome of Peterson’s case and the impact it will have on her career as a judge.