Anne Hegerty, a star on The Chase, is renowned for her intimidating demeanor, but she believes that contestants are unnecessarily intimidated by her. She feels that they hold unrealistic expectations of her being unbeatable and crushing them in the game. Hegerty revealed that contestants allow themselves to get nervous and panicked, which leads to their failure in the game, even when they could have done better if they had calmed down. Despite this intimidating reputation, Anne has shown interest in inviting well-known personalities like Stephen Fry to participate in the show, and she expressed regret over missing the chance to compete against the late John Sessions, who was known for his intelligence and love for the show.
On a lighter note, Anne Hegerty shared her interest in ghost stories and supernatural encounters. She mentioned her fascination with meeting historical figures like tunesmith Lorenz Hart and 18th-century wordsmith Dr. Samuel Johnson in a spooky setting. While she does not believe in the supernatural, Anne enjoys a good ghost story and has even bagged a role in a ghost movie titled Exorcising Barry, which is set to premiere soon. This movie will feature themes of demonic possession and exorcism but promises not to be excessively gruesome. Anne is exploring new opportunities beyond her role as The Governess on The Chase, while still preparing for new episodes of the show in the upcoming season.
Anne Hegerty revealed her involvement in a spooky ghost movie titled Exorcising Barry, set to premiere this summer. She shared her fascination with ghosts and supernatural tales, expressing her desire to meet historical figures in a paranormal encounter. Although she doesn’t believe in the supernatural, Anne enjoys a good ghost story and looks forward to diversifying her career with this new movie project. Despite her interest in ghosts, Anne remains focused on returning to The Chase for new episodes in the upcoming season, ensuring that she continues to entertain audiences with her challenging role as The Governess.
Anne Hegerty is known for her intimidating presence on The Chase, but she believes that contestants often psych themselves out with unrealistic expectations of her unbeatability. She mentioned her interest in inviting notable personalities like Stephen Fry to participate in the show and voiced regret over missing the opportunity to compete against the late John Sessions. Anne also shared her fascination with ghost stories and supernatural encounters, teasing her role in the upcoming ghost movie Exorcising Barry. While exploring new opportunities in the film industry, Anne remains committed to her role as The Governess on The Chase and is gearing up for another exciting season on the popular quiz show.