Jasveen Sangha, known as “The Ketamine Queen,” is facing charges in connection with the death of actor Matthew Perry. In a plea agreement obtained by Us Weekly, Erik Fleming, an acquaintance of Perry’s, claimed that Sangha referred to Perry as “Chandler,” the character he famously portrayed on the TV show Friends, in communication about selling ketamine to Perry. Perry died at age 54 in October 2023, and a toxicology report concluded that he died from the acute effects of ketamine, with drowning, coronary artery disease, and the effects of buprenorphine listed as contributing factors.
Initially ruled as an accident, Perry’s death led to the charging of five individuals by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Central District of California. Those charged include Fleming, Sangha, Dr. Salvador Plasencia, Perry’s former assistant Kenneth Iwamasa, and Dr. Mark Chavez. In Fleming’s plea agreement, it was revealed that he and Sangha spoke on the phone the day of Perry’s death to discuss deleting digital evidence on their cell phones to distance themselves from the drug deals. Additionally, it was alleged that Fleming texted Sangha two days after Perry’s death, stating that he felt everyone was protected and referring to Iwamasa as the “enabler.”
Plasencia, Chavez, and Sangha were all charged with conspiracy to distribute ketamine, with Sangha facing additional charges including maintaining a drug-involved premise, possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine and ketamine, and multiple counts of distributing ketamine. Plasencia and Sangha pleaded not guilty, while Chavez agreed to plead guilty. Iwamasa pleaded guilty earlier in the month to conspiracy to distribute ketamine causing death, admitting to injecting Perry with ketamine multiple times without medical training, including on the day of his death.
The involvement of these individuals in the distribution and use of ketamine highlights the dangers associated with the misuse of this drug. Perry’s death serves as a tragic reminder of the devastating consequences that can result from substance abuse and the importance of holding those responsible for illegal drug distribution accountable. The ongoing legal proceedings surrounding Perry’s death serve as a cautionary tale and underscore the need for stricter regulations and enforcement measures to combat the illicit drug trade and prevent future tragedies.
The complex nature of the case involving Perry’s death and the individuals charged underscores the challenges in investigating and prosecuting drug-related offenses. The alleged actions of those involved, including attempting to delete digital evidence and distancing themselves from drug deals, demonstrate the lengths to which individuals may go to evade detection and avoid legal consequences. The plea agreements and charges brought against the accused shed light on the severity of the charges and the potential legal ramifications they may face if found guilty.
As the case continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how the legal system will address the allegations and determine the culpability of each individual involved in Perry’s death. The tragic circumstances surrounding Perry’s passing have brought renewed attention to the dangers of substance abuse and the importance of addressing the root causes of addiction through education, prevention, and intervention efforts. The outcome of this case will likely have far-reaching implications for drug enforcement efforts and the criminal justice system’s ability to hold individuals accountable for their actions in connection with drug-related deaths.