Emmanuel Macron, speaking on the steps of the Elysée Palace in Paris on May 2, 2024, issued a warning about the rise of “nationalists” in Europe ahead of the European elections. In an interview with the British magazine The Economist, Macron stated that nationalists are all “hidden Brexiteers” who are holding the European Union “hostage” with a “discourse of lies.” He criticized the National Rally party for wanting to leave the EU and the euro, but now reaping the benefits of the EU while trying to destroy it without openly declaring their intentions.
A recent election study conducted by Ipsos in partnership with various organizations revealed challenges faced by Macron’s camp, with only 17% of voter intention compared to the National Rally’s 32%. Macron expressed concern about the nationalist movements taking over the European political landscape and holding the EU hostage by demanding unreasonable concessions. He urged Europeans to “wake up” and recognize that nationalist parties are essentially Brexiteers in disguise, claiming to strengthen their countries while undermining the EU’s unity.
Macron emphasized the importance of building strong economic relationships with China while ensuring Europe’s strategic interests are protected. He welcomed the pragmatic approach of Italian politician Giorgia Meloni, who has supported EU policies on asylum and migration despite leading a nationalist party. Macron stressed the need for minimal nationalist influences in European politics to facilitate cooperation and unity, highlighting the positive role played by Meloni in adopting a more EU-friendly stance.
In the same interview, Macron discussed the upcoming state visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to France, emphasizing the need to engage China on global issues while safeguarding Europe’s economic interests through reciprocity. He stressed the importance of ensuring that the EU-China relationship is based on strategic interests and mutual benefit. Macron’s objectives include initiating discussions with Xi Jinping on key global issues and enhancing economic cooperation between Europe and China.
Overall, Macron’s comments reflect his commitment to the European project and his belief in the value of promoting unity and cooperation within the EU. He acknowledges the challenges posed by nationalist movements within Europe but remains optimistic about the potential for mutual understanding and collaboration. Macron’s stance on China and economic relations underlines his dedication to safeguarding Europe’s interests while engaging in constructive dialogue with global partners. As the European elections approach, Macron’s viewpoints on nationalism, EU unity, and economic diplomacy are crucial in shaping the future direction of European politics and international relations.