Zendaya made history at the Met Gala by appearing on the red carpet twice in the same night, wearing two different couture outfits. The first outfit was a Maison Margiela Artisanal gown by John Galliano while the second was a 1996 Givenchy gown by John Galliano, paired with a flower headpiece by Philip Treacy. Fans were in awe of her unique fashion feat, with many praising her as a fashion icon and her stylist Law Roach as an image architect.
The 27-year-old Met Gala co-chair stunned in both looks, with her first outfit featuring hand-painted metallic crin, aluminum material, iridescent organza, and a hand-embroidered corsage. She completed the look with a feathered veil from Philip Treacy and crimson cosmetics by Pat McGrath. Both of Zendaya’s outfits perfectly fit the “Garden of Time” dress code and complemented the Costume Institute’s spring 2024 exhibition titled “Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion.”
Zendaya received praise on social media for her bold fashion choices, with one fan noting that she may be the first person to ever walk the Met Gala carpet in two entirely different looks. Her outfits were met with high acclaim by fans and fashion enthusiasts alike, with many hailing her as a style icon of her generation. The bold fashion choices made by Zendaya and her stylist Law Roach at the Met Gala cemented her status as a standout in the fashion world.
The red carpet at the Met Gala was filled with other A-list celebrities who also embraced the “Garden of Time” dress code. Stars such as Kim Kardashian, Lana Del Ray, and Jessica Biel donned elaborate and eye-catching outfits that paid homage to the theme of the evening. Zendaya’s striking fashion choices stole the show and left a lasting impression on viewers and attendees of the Met Gala, solidifying her reputation as a trendsetter and style icon.
Fashion enthusiasts and fans alike marveled at Zendaya’s ability to effortlessly transition between two distinct looks on the prestigious Met Gala red carpet. Her sartorial choices and attention to detail were lauded by many, with some declaring her the fashion icon of the year. Zendaya’s daring and innovative fashion sense, combined with the creative vision of her stylist Law Roach, contributed to her standout presence at the Met Gala and solidified her status as a style maven.
Zendaya’s double-cameo appearance on the Met Gala red carpet captivated audiences and showcased her versatility as a fashion icon. Her ability to seamlessly switch between two contrasting looks while maintaining a cohesive theme garnered praise and admiration from fans and critics alike. The fashion-forward choices made by Zendaya and her stylist Law Roach at the Met Gala underscored their collaborative creativity and established Zendaya as a leading figure in the world of haute couture.