Zendaya has been making a statement with her fashion choices during the press tour for her film Challengers this month. Teaming up with her stylist Law Roach, the newly-blonde actor has embraced method dressing by choosing ensembles that nod to the film’s tennis focus. Many of her looks have been sporty yet country club-worthy, such as a tennis racket-printed Loewe gown in Australia. Over the weekend, Zendaya wore three new looks designed by Louis Vuitton, including a custom white strapless gown with a wide leather belt and Bulgari necklace for a glamorous Old Hollywood look.
At a photo call for the film, Zendaya wore a silky green button-up and trousers from Vuitton’s spring 1999 collection designed by Marc Jacobs. The timeless design was paired with strappy sandals and a structured bag, feeling just as current today as it did over 20 years ago. Another photo call saw Zendaya in a checkered green and white coat from Vuitton’s spring 2013 collection, which played off the label’s signature Damier pattern and was in tennis ball-green, further enhancing the thematic dressing of the tour.
Zendaya’s style reign continued as she appeared in a custom white strapless gown in Paris, with a wide leather belt and Bulgari necklace adding a glamorous touch. The all-white hue channeled the clean and minimal look of tennis outfits often seen on the court, reinforcing the theme of the film. She also sported a silky green outfit from Vuitton’s spring 1999 collection and a checkered green and white coat from the spring 2013 collection, both looking effortlessly chic and tying in with the tennis-inspired styling of the tour.
The collaboration between Zendaya and her stylist Law Roach has resulted in statement-making fashion choices during the press tour for Challengers. By embracing method dressing, Zendaya’s ensembles have reflected the film’s tennis focus, with sporty yet country club-worthy silhouettes. Outfits such as a tennis racket-printed Loewe gown, a custom white strapless gown, and green and white pieces from Louis Vuitton’s past collections have showcased her ability to mix custom and vintage designs for a standout red carpet look.
With her fashion choices during the press tour for Challengers, Zendaya has continued to impress with her style and ability to accurately reflect the themes of the film through her outfits. Working with stylist Law Roach, Zendaya has embraced method dressing with ensembles that nod to the tennis focus of the movie. By choosing sporty yet country club-worthy silhouettes and incorporating custom and vintage pieces from Louis Vuitton, Zendaya has demonstrated her fashion prowess and ability to make a statement on the red carpet.