A retired couple from Florida, Bev and John Martin, embarked on a journey to travel the world after their retirement in 2020. They started their travel adventures by road tripping around the United States in an Airstream trailer to mark off every state from their bucket list. Eventually, the Martins decided to take things to the next level by selling their home, donating their belongings, and travelling the world. They run a blog called Retirement Travelers where they share their experiences and stories from their global adventures.
Despite having five children and eight grandchildren to consider leaving behind, the Martins’ family was supportive of their decision to pursue their dream of traveling the world. They believe that setting an example for their children that material possessions do not matter is important. At the ages of 60 and 61, John and Bev left behind their life in Florida to backpack across the globe. They have visited numerous countries such as Morocco, Indonesia, Thailand, and Australia, documenting their journey on their blog.
Thanks to years of saving money and living within their means, the Martins have been able to travel the world since November 2021. They typically stay in Airbnb or hotels for a few days before moving on to another destination. Despite their advanced age, they are currently in good health and able to move around easily with their backpacks. They maintain connections with their family by visiting them twice a year, while also making new friends during their travels who support and encourage their dreams.
One of the most memorable stops on their journey was Ukraine, where John Martin’s grandfather originated from before coming to the United States in the early 1900s. Fulfilling his grandfather’s dream of returning to Ukraine was a significant moment for John. The couple is currently in Cape Town, South Africa, and preparing for a safari, something they have always dreamed of doing. Despite warnings about safety, their visit to Guatemala was a pleasant surprise, with the couple being impressed by the beautiful landscape and the graciousness of the people.
When asked what they might miss most about the United States, John Martin mentioned the simplicity of a home-cooked meal and enjoying a meal at Cracker Barrel, a popular restaurant chain known for its comfort food. Their routine upon returning to the States includes dining at Cracker Barrel for a veggie platter and a large glass of tea, where being greeted with a friendly “Sweetie” by the waitress is a welcome touch. The Martins continue to share their travel experiences on their blog, inspiring others to pursue their dreams of exploring the world.