The reader, Leticia from Berwyn, Illinois, shared her experience of being mistreated by her manager at work, who gives her dirty looks, yells at her, and shows overall disrespect. Despite reporting the issue to HR, no action has been taken, leaving Leticia feeling uncomfortable and considering leaving the job. HR expert David Rice advises Leticia to document every negative experience with her manager and report it to HR. He emphasizes the importance of a positive employee experience and suggests that if no action is taken, it may be time for Leticia to consider leaving and finding an organization where she will be treated with decency and respect.
Jenna Rogers, founder of Career Civility, provides advice on how to handle a hostile work environment. She suggests three options for Leticia: try to improve the working relationship with the manager, control what she can and stay in the job, or remove herself from the situation and look for other job opportunities. Rogers recommends using de-escalation tactics when communicating with the manager, such as acknowledging the manager’s feelings and focusing on productive communication. Ultimately, Rogers encourages Leticia to prioritize her well-being and safety and make the decision that is best for her.
The issue of mistreatment in the workplace is unfortunately common, and addressing it may require taking steps to protect oneself and seek better opportunities. It is important for employees to document negative experiences, report them to HR, and consider seeking employment elsewhere if the situation does not improve. Creating a positive work environment falls to HR and managers, and it may be necessary for individuals to prioritize their well-being and remove themselves from toxic situations in order to thrive professionally and personally.
Newsweek’s “What Should I Do?” feature offers expert advice to readers facing personal dilemmas related to relationships, family, friends, money, and work. Readers can submit their stories to [email protected] for a chance to receive advice from experts and potentially have their story featured on the platform. The goal is to empower individuals to make informed decisions and navigate challenging situations, whether in the workplace or in personal relationships, with the support of expert guidance and resources. By sharing experiences and seeking advice, individuals like Leticia can find solutions and strategies to address difficult circumstances and improve their overall well-being.