The Aïd-el-Fitr, the celebration marking the end of Ramadan, was set to take place on Wednesday, April 10, 2024 for Muslims in France. The date was determined by the French Council of Muslim Worship (CFCM) based on scientific data. The observation of the Moon during the Night of Doubt confirmed this date, as well as announcements from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. The end of Ramadan varies each year due to the Islamic calendar of hégire, which has fewer days than the Gregorian calendar. This day is not a public holiday in France.
The Aïd-el-Fitr celebrates the end of the fasting month of Ramadan, which began on March 11, 2024. It is a day marked by prayers at the mosque, exchanging greetings, pastries, tea, and small gifts. Traditionally, believers wear new clothes, give gifts, and fulfill an alms-giving duty called the zakat al-fitr, which is given to the poor. The amount varies, with recommendations from different institutions ranging from 7 to 9 euros per person. The Ditib, representing Turkish Muslims, recently raised their zakat amount from 10 to 15 euros in 2024.
The Aïd-el-Fitr, also known as Aïd-el-Séghir or the “small feast,” differs from the Aïd-el-Kébir, the “big feast.” The Aïd-el-Kébir, or Aïd-el-Adha, commemorates the sacrifice of Abraham in the Quran and the Old Testament, where he is prepared to sacrifice his son before an angel intervenes. Muslims mark this occasion with a ritual sacrifice of a sheep, which is not done during the end of Ramadan. The common elements between the two celebrations are the prayer and the exchange of wishes (Aïd Moubarak, meaning “joyful feast”).
This tradition article from 2018 provides information about the dates and customs of Aïd-el-Fitr. The article discusses how the date is determined, the practices observed during the celebration, the differences between Aïd-el-Fitr and Aïd-el-Kébir, and the significance of giving to the poor. It also includes a quiz about Ramadan. Despite the varying approaches to the zakat al-fitr amount, the central theme of the Aïd-el-Fitr remains the celebration of the end of Ramadan and the giving of thanks and gifts among the Muslim community.