Oliver Stankiewicz, a man from Vernon, has embarked on a challenging fundraising initiative in memory of his late mother, Laura Stankiewicz. He plans to run a marathon every day for the entire month of May, covering a total distance of over 1,300 km. The aim is to raise money to improve cancer care at Vernon Jubilee Hospital, where his mother received treatment before her passing in 2020. Stankiewicz has already raised $150,000 for the hospital along with his partner Marie. This year, the funds will be specifically allocated towards purchasing innovative equipment for breast cancer patients.
The equipment in question is part of the seed project at Vernon Jubilee Hospital, which utilizes magnetic seeds to precisely locate lumps in breast tissue. This technology enhances the accuracy of procedures performed by general surgeons, providing a more comfortable and effective alternative to the previous ultrasound-guided wire technology. Stankiewicz is determined to raise as much money as possible to support the purchase of this equipment, which comes with a price tag of $150,000. Working closely with the VJH Foundation, he is committed to seeing the project through and making a positive impact on cancer patients’ lives.
In comparison to the daily marathons he will be completing throughout May, Stankiewicz acknowledges that the physical challenges he will face pale in comparison to the hardships endured by cancer patients. The motivation to push through the difficult moments comes from a place of empathy and solidarity with those who are battling cancer and undergoing rigorous treatments. Stankiewicz sees this fundraising initiative as an opportunity to honor his mother’s memory and support the community that supported her during her illness. By demonstrating dedication and perseverance, he hopes to inspire others to contribute to the cause and make a difference in the lives of cancer patients.
Despite the inevitable physical and mental strain that comes with running a marathon every day for a month, Stankiewicz remains focused on the bigger picture. He is determined to show the community his commitment to this cause and raise awareness about the importance of enhancing cancer care services. Through the Movement Project website, individuals can learn more about Stankiewicz’s fundraising efforts, contribute to the cause, and support his mission to improve cancer care at Vernon Jubilee Hospital. By sharing his story and showcasing his resilience, Stankiewicz aims to inspire others to make a positive impact in their communities and support those in need.