The annual Gold Gala, also known as the “Asian Pacific Met Gala,” celebrates the achievements of Asian and Pacific Islander trailblazers in various industries. This year’s event featured designer Prabal Gurung as the creative director, with stars like Lucy Liu and Padma Lakshmi being honored. The red carpet before the ceremony saw many celebrities showcasing vibrant designs from around the world, with Avantika in a gown by Lebanese designer Geyanna Youness and Karruehce Tran in a bold monochromatic look by Thai Nguyen Atelier.
Other celebrities, such as Michelle Yeoh and Cynthia Erivo, opted for outfits fresh from the Paris runways. Yeoh wore a Schiaparelli skirt suit with gold accents from the spring 2024 collection, while Erivo sported a grape-printed skirt from Balmain’s fall 2024 collection. The event was a showcase of fashion from various designers and regions, highlighting the diversity and creativity of the fashion industry.
The Gold Gala is a prestigious event that showcases the talent and innovation of Asian and Pacific Islander individuals across industries. This year’s gala featured a star-studded lineup, with designer Prabal Gurung leading the way as the creative director. Celebrities like Lucy Liu and Padma Lakshmi were recognized for their contributions to their respective fields, adding to the glamour and excitement of the evening.
The red carpet at the Gold Gala was a showcase of stunning fashion choices from celebrities, with many opting to highlight designers from different parts of the world. Avantika looked ethereal in a floral gown by Lebanese designer Geyanna Youness, while Karruehce Tran made a bold statement in a monochromatic look by Thai Nguyen Atelier, a Vietnamese-American house. The variety of designs and styles on display reflected the global influence and reach of the fashion industry.
Stars like Michelle Yeoh and Cynthia Erivo chose to wear outfits fresh from the Paris runways, adding a touch of high fashion to the event. Yeoh stunned in a Schiaparelli skirt suit with gold accents from the spring 2024 collection, while Erivo stood out in a grape-printed skirt from Balmain’s fall 2024 collection. The fashion choices at the Gold Gala showcased the creativity and individuality of each celebrity, making for a memorable and stylish evening.
Overall, the 2024 Gold Gala was a celebration of talent, creativity, and diversity in the fashion industry. With designer Prabal Gurung at the helm as the creative director, the event honored Asian and Pacific Islander trailblazers like Lucy Liu and Padma Lakshmi for their contributions across various fields. The red carpet was a display of stunning fashion choices from celebrities, with each outfit reflecting the unique style and personality of the wearer. The gala highlighted the global influence of fashion and showcased the best looks from designers around the world, making it a night to remember for all in attendance.