Tom Hiddleston, the star of the hit Disney+ series “Loki,” expressed uncertainty about the potential return of the show for a third season. At the launch of Hulu on Disney+ on April 5, Hiddleston revealed that he truly doesn’t know if there will be a third season. Despite the uncertainty, he mentioned that he is proud of where the show has ended up and acknowledged that there have been times in the past when he thought it was the end but was mistaken.
“Loki,” featuring Hiddleston as the mischievous God of Mischief, first appeared in the movie “Thor” in 2011. The series premiered in June 2021 and quickly became a fan favorite, leading to a renewal for a second season which aired in October. Reflecting on the journey of his character, Hiddleston expressed pride in the development of the character and the opportunity to explore deeper aspects of his personality, from a lost soul in Asgaard to someone willing to protect others at any cost.
When discussing possible storylines for Loki in the MCU universe, Hiddleston mentioned his interest in seeing the character go head-to-head with different characters. He speculated about potential confrontations with Wolverine and Daredevil, with the latter played by his former Broadway co-star Charlie Cox. Hiddleston expressed a willingness to dive into his old comic books to explore potential storylines that could lead to exciting interactions with other popular characters.
In February, “Loki” received the People’s Choice Award for Best Sci-Fi/Fantasy Show of the year, beating out several other popular shows. Grateful for the recognition, Hiddleston expressed his appreciation for the honor and thanked the audience for their support. As a performer and producer on “Loki,” he conveyed his pride in the second season of the show and the impact it has had on viewers.
Overall, Hiddleston’s experience with “Loki” has been one of growth and transformation, both for himself as an actor and for the character he portrays. While uncertain about the show’s future, he remains grateful for the journey and the opportunity to bring Loki to life on screen. The success of the series has not only brought acclaim and awards but also a sense of fulfillment in portraying a complex and beloved character in the Marvel universe.