Gigi Hadid has attended the Met Gala eight times, showcasing her versatility and fashion sense on the event’s red carpet. From her first appearance in 2015 at the “China: Through the Looking Glass” theme in a red DVF gown, to her futuristic Tommy Hilfiger dress for the “Manus x Machina: Fashion in an Age of Technology” theme the following year, Hadid has consistently impressed with her bold and unique style choices.
Over the years, Hadid’s Met Gala looks have become more elaborate and extravagant. In 2017, she stunned on the red carpet in a champagne-colored Tommy Hilfiger gown with an asymmetrical tulle train for the “Rei Kawakubo/Comme des Garçons: Art of the In-Between” theme. The following year, she wowed in a stained glass window-inspired gown by Versace for the “Heavenly Bodies” exhibition, showcasing her glamorous and artistic side.
In 2019, Hadid embraced the camp theme with a Michael Kors Collection ensemble featuring a silvery jumpsuit, cape, boots, and headpiece. Her 2021 look was a strapless Prada gown with a back slit and leather opera gloves, blending timeless elegance with modern edginess. In 2022, she rocked a puffer coat-inspired crimson-red gown custom-designed by Donatella Versace, and in 2023, she went for an edgy black Givenchy corseted gown with a sweeping sheer train.
As the 2024 Met Gala approaches, all eyes will be on Hadid once again to see what stunning ensemble she will bring to the red carpet. Known for her ability to keep audiences guessing and experiment with various fashion identities, Hadid’s Met Gala looks never fail to disappoint. Her fashion journey at the Met Gala showcases her evolution and growth as a style icon in the fashion industry.
Overall, Gigi Hadid’s Met Gala red carpet looks have solidified her status as a fashion maven who is unafraid to take risks and push boundaries with her style choices. From elegant and glamorous gowns to bold and avant-garde ensembles, Hadid continues to captivate audiences with her sartorial flair and confidence. Her ability to adapt to different themes and showcase her individuality make her a standout presence at the prestigious event year after year.