The new moon in August 2024 arrives on Sunday, Aug. 4th at 7:14 a.m. in the sign of Leo, providing an opportunity for reflection and creation. The effects of this new moon will be felt most acutely on the evening before and on the day of the new moon. This monthly rebirth signifies a waking up, with themes of love and self-expression at the forefront under the influence of Leo, which rules the heart.
Leo, being ruled by the sun, is known for its bold and confident nature. This new moon in Leo encourages us to be clear, confident, and initiate new beginnings. The energy of this new moon is more dramatic and assertive, urging us to take the lead and make bold moves. Leo encourages us to embrace our inner child and connect with our essential, eternal selves, fostering creativity and the potential for new beginnings.
Leo is associated with fertility, so this new moon is a favorable time for starting or adding to families. The sign of Leo signifies happy endings and blockbuster sequels, inviting us to go big and embrace new possibilities. This new moon in Leo forms a beneficial aspect with Mars and Jupiter, offering an energetic boost and a sense that all things are possible. The influence of Venus in Leo adds a bold and confident energy to love and relationships during this time.
As the new moon in Leo ushers in Mercury’s retrograde in Virgo, it offers an opportunity to clear past experiences that may have undermined our confidence. This retrograde cycle encourages us to make room for a new beginning and to make way for a new day. Embracing chaos and boldly stepping into the unknown is part of the transformative energy of this new moon, encouraging us to hold fast to love and true being.
The poetry of Robert Graves captures the essence of the new moon in Leo, urging us to embrace the chaos and fragmentation of life as a pathway to true being and restoration. May this new moon and the weeks following leave you feeling brave, breathless, and perfectly in tune with the rich chaos of love. The next new moon after Leo will occur on Sept. 3, 2024, in the sign of Virgo. Astrologer Reda Wigle provides research and insights into planetary configurations and their effects on each zodiac sign, integrating history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience into her horoscopes.