Jessica Dunning, the actor who portrays Martha in the Netflix series Baby Reindeer, recently spoke about the success of the show and her 17-year acting career. The series follows Martha, who develops an obsession with bartender Donny, sending him thousands of emails and voicemails. Dunning’s portrayal of Martha is skillful and full of pathos, making her character’s bond with Donny complicated and nuanced. Despite Martha’s actions, Dunning doesn’t see her as a simple villain, but rather a complex and multi-dimensional character.
Dunning was initially drawn to the character of Martha when she read the script, feeling an emotional connection and understanding to her flaws and complexities. She saw Martha as a character too complex to be simply seen as a villain and worked to emphasize her truthful moments throughout the show. Dunning appreciated the nuanced writing of Martha by the show’s creator, Richard Gadd, which showcased different sides of her personality. Despite the intense filming process, Dunning found solace in spending time with her family and loved ones to decompress and come back to herself after playing such an emotionally challenging role.
One of Dunning’s favorite aspects of the experience was the impact the show had on viewers, particularly male survivors of sexual assault. The show led to a 200% increase in email referrals to a UK charity for male survivors, with 60% citing Baby Reindeer as the reason for seeking help. Dunning shared her pride in being part of a show that is changing people’s lives and helping them feel seen and supported. Looking towards the future, Dunning is open to any interesting projects and characters that come her way. She enjoys a mix of comedy and drama roles, and is excited to see what opportunities lie ahead after her role as Martha in Baby Reindeer.
Overall, Dunning expressed her gratitude for being part of a show that has been so well-received and talked about, highlighting the depth and complexity of her character and the impact the show has had on its audience. She enjoyed discussing the show with people and appreciated the opportunity to play such a gift of a character like Martha. With a passion for storytelling and complicated characters, Dunning is open to exploring a range of projects in the future, whether in film, television, or theater. She looks forward to what’s next in her career and is excited about the possibilities that lie ahead.