Claire Goose, known for her role in Channel 5’s “The Cuckoo,” led a wild life in her twenties before settling down with her TV producer husband and starting a family. Despite her wild past, Claire found fame playing Tina Seabrook in the popular show “Casualty” in 1997, where she was frequently voted sexiest female by ’90s lads’ mags. She now sees these accolades as a compliment and keeps the magazines as a memento to show her grandchildren one day. Claire is a well-known face on television, having appeared in shows like Murdoch Mysteries, The Bay, Unforgotten, and Death in Paradise.
Now a mother of two daughters, Claire has found a balance between her personal and professional life with her husband Craig Woodrow, who is a TV producer. The couple met on a blind date in 2004 and got married three years later. Living in west London, they share childcare duties while juggling their freelance jobs. Claire enjoys spending time with her daughters, engaging in activities like baking and playing dress up. She believes in setting certain rules for her daughters to ensure they grow up with good values.
Despite her success in acting, Claire admits that being in the spotlight wasn’t always easy. In her twenties, she smoked, partied, and dated her Casualty co-star Jonathan Kerrigan. However, she looks back on those times with no regrets, preferring the contentment she now feels in her thirties. During that decade, Claire faced health scares, including finding lumps in her breast and discovering a cancerous lump on her back. These experiences made her more aware of her health and the importance of taking care of herself, especially now that she has children.
Claire stars as Jessica in Channel 5’s “The Cuckoo,” showcasing her acting talent and versatility on screen. While she appreciates the recognition she has received for her work, Claire remains grounded and focused on her family life. With her husband by her side, she has managed to create a fulfilling career while raising her daughters. As she looks towards the future, Claire hopes to continue balancing her acting career with her role as a mother, setting an example for her children and cherishing the memories she has made along the way.