Networking is often seen as a key strategy for small businesses looking to attract new customers. The typical advice includes attending industry events, handing out business cards, and engaging on social media to showcase products. However, as an expat and entrepreneur living in Italy, Su Guillory believes Americans have the wrong approach to networking.
In America, networking tends to be self-serving, with individuals attending events primarily to benefit themselves. This creates a room full of people focused on their own needs rather than helping others. Guillory recalls a networking event where a woman aggressively distributed her business card without engaging in conversation, highlighting the flawed approach many take in trying to find new customers.
In Italy, however, networking is more natural and focused on building genuine relationships. Guillory describes how individuals in Italy go out of their way to help each other, often without expecting anything in return. This sense of community and willingness to assist others has led to a culture where people readily connect friends or family members to fulfill a need, such as finding a reliable mechanic or the best fish in town.
The concept of “I got a guy” reflects the idea of having a network of contacts ready to help with various needs. This approach to networking involves delivering exceptional products and customer service, offering freebies, following up with customers, and sharing contacts to provide additional assistance. Genuine networking is seen as a long-term strategy focused on building relationships rather than immediate financial gain.
Guillory encourages Americans to adopt a more patient and authentic approach to networking, taking the time to understand clients’ needs and building connections based on mutual trust and respect. By focusing on helping others without expecting immediate returns, businesses can establish themselves as trustworthy and reliable resources in their respective industries. This shift towards a more human-centered approach to networking can lead to long-term success and sustainable growth.
Ultimately, by embodying the principles of being the best at what you do and prioritizing relationships over transactions, businesses can cultivate a network of loyal customers and referral sources. Guillory suggests that by embracing the Italian philosophy of networking, individuals can create meaningful connections, provide value to others, and ultimately attract more business opportunities without the need for traditional self-promotion tactics. This shift towards a more holistic and collaborative approach to networking can lead to more sustainable and fulfilling business relationships.