The vodka martini has been named the top cocktail choice among New Yorkers, according to a study collecting Google trend data. Margaritas and mojitos followed as the second and third most popular options in the Big Apple. Martinis, which saw 173,000 searches in the Empire State in the last year, were the clear winner among New Yorkers when it came to cocktail preferences.
The study also revealed that Cosmopolitans, a favorite of Carrie Bradshaw from “Sex and the City,” had 149,000 Google searches in New York, placing it as the fourth most popular cocktail. Cosmopolitans are especially popular during the winter months in the Empire State, while Long Island Iced Teas, with 110,000 searches, are more commonly searched for during warmer months, according to the study.
The popularity of Bitter Manhattans, with only 31,000 inquiries in the past year, paled in comparison to other cocktails in New York. Margaritas, however, were crowned the favorite cocktail nationwide, with 31 states, including Texas, California, and Florida, showing a preference for the tequila-based drink. Martinis, Cosmopolitans, and Constantines were also popular across the country, with each winning over multiple states.
While the study focused on New York and the nation as a whole when it came to cocktail preferences, it found that martinis were the second most popular cocktail nationwide, winning the favor of nine states and Washington D.C. Constantines, a gin-infused cocktail garnished with orange bitters, came in third, with five states backing its popularity. Although the study presented an interesting look at the cocktail preferences of New Yorkers and Americans in general, the vodka martini emerged as the clear favorite in the Big Apple.