Walter Gjerja, also known as Shi Xing Mi, is a Shaolin secular monk who aims to share ancient wisdom for modern times. Despite having a successful corporate career, he decided to immerse himself in Shaolin studies and combine his experiences to help others live fuller, more peaceful lives. Gjerja highlights five common issues that lead to stress, including an inability to create moments of mental silence, addiction to stimuli, lack of pace and patience, self-delusions, and misunderstanding spirituality, and offers tips on how to address them.
Gjerja emphasizes the importance of physical activity, particularly walking, in combating stress. He suggests that even a quick 15-minute walk can release endorphins, regulate cortisol levels, and keep the mind healthy. Mindful movement is also essential in reducing stress, with Gjerja recommending exercises like yoga, tai chi, cycling, and swimming. Spending time in nature is another effective way to calm the mind and reduce stress levels, as it promotes relaxation and enhances mood.
Diet plays a crucial role in managing stress, with Gjerja advising against snacking on unhealthy foods high in refined sugars and unhealthy fats. Instead, consuming foods rich in polyphenols, complex carbs, and omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce the impact of stress on the body. Gjerja also suggests cutting back on coffee consumption, as excessive caffeine intake is linked to anxiety, sleep disorders, and increased blood pressure. Instead, opting for chamomile tea can be a calming alternative.
The constant use of cell phones can contribute to stress by leading to social comparison and feelings of inadequacy. Gjerja recommends limiting screen time, especially before bed, to improve sleep quality and mental well-being. By integrating these suggestions, individuals can experience a greater sense of peace and improve their overall quality of life. Gjerja encourages making small, consistent changes each day to see significant improvements in stress levels over time.
Shi Xing Mi, a native of Italy, found his calling in Eastern philosophy and martial arts during his teen years. After a successful but unfulfilling corporate career, he pursued his passion for Shaolin studies and now shares his insights with others to help them navigate the challenges of modern life. By incorporating elements of mindfulness, physical activity, healthy eating, and digital detoxing, individuals can better manage stress levels and improve their overall well-being. Encouraging small, consistent changes, Gjerja offers practical and accessible advice for cultivating a more peaceful and harmonious lifestyle.