“Mary & George” is a new historical drama premiering on Starz that follows the real-life story of Mary Villiers, the Countess of Buckingham, and her son George as they maneuver to gain political power and influence by seducing King James I. The show stars Julianne Moore as Mary, Nicholas Galitzine as George, and Tony Curran as King James I. Episodes will be released weekly, with the first episode premiering on April 5 and subsequent episodes following every Friday. Viewers can access the show through the Starz app or cable channel.
To watch “Mary & George” on Starz, viewers will need a subscription to the streaming service. Signing up for a Starz subscription is quick and easy through the website, with a monthly cost of $9.99 that includes an ad-free viewing experience. The show is based on the nonfiction book “The King’s Assassin” by Benjamin Woolley, which details the intrigue and manipulation orchestrated by Mary Villiers and her son George to secure power within the court of King James I.
The episode titles and air dates for all seven episodes of “Mary & George” have been revealed, with each episode becoming available for streaming at midnight EST before airing on cable at 9 p.m. The cast includes Julianne Moore as Mary Villiers, Nicholas Galitzine as George Villiers, Tony Curran as King James I, and other talented actors such as Laurie Davidson, Trine Dyrholm, and Nicola Walker. The show promises a gripping narrative filled with political intrigue and complex relationships as the characters navigate the dangerous world of royal court politics.
Fans of historical dramas and period pieces will find “Mary & George” to be a captivating watch, offering insight into the power struggles and manipulations that occurred within the royal courts of the past. With a talented cast bringing the story to life and a compelling storyline based on true events, the show is sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. For more content similar to “Mary & George,” viewers can explore the Decider Shopping section for additional recommendations and entertainment options to enjoy.
Overall, “Mary & George” promises to be a riveting and engaging historical drama that delves into the complexities of power, manipulation, and intrigue within royal courts. With a talented cast led by Julianne Moore and Nicholas Galitzine, viewers can expect stellar performances and a captivating storyline based on real-life events detailed in “The King’s Assassin.” By offering a weekly release schedule, the show will keep audiences eagerly awaiting each new episode and diving deeper into the world of Mary Villiers and her quest for power.