The Anzac Day march through Melbourne this year is being led by veterans who participated in peacekeeping missions for Australia, a first for the event. Victorian Governor Margaret Gardner commended Australia’s peacekeepers, highlighting the untold suffering and sacrifice they have endured in the service of their country. She emphasized the invaluable contributions of these servicemen and women in saving countless lives through their sacrifices. Among those leading the march is Royal Australian Air Force veteran Brett West, who spoke about the important work of peacekeepers in not only serving Australia but also ensuring the well-being of people abroad.
West, an Indigenous Australian, shared his thoughts on the families of servicemen and women who are left waiting for them at home, acknowledging the challenges and sacrifices they also endure. He expressed his hope to see more recognition for the contributions of Indigenous Australians who have served in the military and urged them to have the confidence to proudly wear their medals and participate in Anzac Day ceremonies. The atmosphere at the dawn service was described as emotional and reflective, with attendees paying tribute to the experiences and hardships of those who have served in conflicts around the world.
The significance of Anzac Day was felt across the state of Victoria, with thousands attending local services and events in suburbs and towns. The community’s commitment to honoring and remembering those who have defended Australia’s values and way of life was evident in the large turnouts at dawn services in places like Torquay and Wodonga. Shrine of Remembrance chief executive Dean Lee emphasized the overwhelming support and gratitude shown by Victorians towards the servicemen and women who have served their country. The day’s events served as a reminder of the sacrifices made by individuals in times of war and conflict.
Overall, the Anzac Day march in Melbourne this year holds special significance as veterans who participated in peacekeeping missions are leading the procession for the first time. The commendation of Australia’s peacekeepers by Governor Margaret Gardner highlights the sacrifices and hardships endured by servicemen and women in the line of duty. The emotional and reflective atmosphere at the dawn service served as a tribute to the experiences of those who have served in conflicts around the world. The community’s commitment to honoring and remembering the sacrifices made by servicemen and women was evident in the large turnouts at local services across Victoria. Anzac Day remains a day to pay tribute and show gratitude to those who have defended Australia’s values and way of life through their service in the military.