Shay Mitchell, known for her roles in TV shows such as “Pretty Little Liars,” “You,” and “Dollface,” is adding another must-watch series to her resume. In the upcoming travel series “Thirst With Shay Mitchell,” premiering on Max on May 23, the star will explore Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, and Peru while delving into the cultural heritage behind some of the world’s best beverages. In addition to her acting career, Mitchell is also a busy entrepreneur, having co-founded Onda tequila seltzers in 2020 and created the luggage brand Béis in 2018. Due to her busy schedule, Mitchell may not have time to visit the Hamptons this summer with her partner Matte Babel and their two daughters, Atlas and Rome. However, she has enjoyed spending time in the celebrity hotspot in the past, attending events and parties there.
According to Mitchell, the Hamptons is less of a destination and more of a state of mind, where she can imagine herself sipping tequila by the pool. The starlet shared some of her travel go-tos that resonate with summer vibes. From luxury bags to beauty products and comfortable yet chic clothing, Mitchell’s summer essentials include a denim LV bag, high-performance mascara, versatile wardrobe staples, and cactus leather bags that are great for traveling with kids. She also recommends carrying rehydration products, stylish sunglasses for UV protection, and resistance bands for on-the-go workouts. Mitchell emphasized the importance of staying hydrated post-travel, post-workout, or post-night-out, and appreciates products that deliver immediate results.
Mitchell highlighted her favorite tequila brand, Onda, describing it as an exceptionally smooth blanco tequila made from 100% agave azul and free from additives. She expressed her love for the design of certain products, such as a stylish silhouette in luxe cactus leather that is both practical and wipeable. Mitchell admitted to being a chronic overpacker but recommended a compact luggage option for those who prefer to travel light. She stressed the significance of protecting the skin from UV rays and praised certain skincare products for their immediate and noticeable effects. Mitchell also noted the effectiveness of resistance bands for staying active while traveling, citing a specific brand she uses for workouts with her trainer, Kira Stokes.
As a versatile actress, successful entrepreneur, and dedicated mother, Shay Mitchell continues to explore new opportunities and experiences. Her upcoming travel series “Thirst With Shay Mitchell” promises to offer viewers a unique perspective on the cultural significance of beverages in various South American countries. Through her endorsements of favorite products and brands, Mitchell shares her passion for fashion, beauty, and wellness, offering fans valuable insights into her personal preferences and lifestyle choices. Whether relaxing by the pool in the Hamptons or embarking on a new adventure abroad, Mitchell remains a source of inspiration for those seeking to balance career success and personal fulfillment.