Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan are set to reunite for a sequel to the 2003 hit film Freaky Friday. The sequel has been confirmed by Nisha Ganatra, who will direct the film, with Andrew Gunn returning as producer and former Disney exec Kristin Burr also involved. The original movie, based on a 1972 novel, starred Curtis and Lohan as a mother and daughter who switch bodies, leading to comedic chaos.
While Disney has not officially announced the sequel, Curtis hinted at it on her Instagram by posting photos from the original movie and a recent photo of herself with Lohan. The success of the original film, directed by Mark Waters and grossing $160.8 million, led to Disney confirming last year that a sequel was in development. Curtis stated that the idea for the sequel came from the strong response from fans during her global promotional tour for Halloween Ends.
Lohan expressed her support for the sequel, stating that they would only make a movie that fans would adore. In a feature with The New York Times, Curtis and Lohan reminisced about their time shooting Freaky Friday and how it had impacted their lives. Curtis shared how she was initially a replacement for another actress and how working on the movie helped her during a challenging time in her life, as she was newly sober and found a supportive community within the film industry.
Ganatra, known for her work on the Hulu series Welcome to Chippendales and various TV shows, is set to direct the Freaky Friday sequel. The film is scheduled for a summer shoot in Los Angeles, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The original movie’s success and enduring popularity, along with the enthusiasm from Curtis, Lohan, and fans, are contributing to the anticipation for the upcoming sequel. The film is expected to capture the same spirit and humor that made the first one a beloved classic.
The potential for a Freaky Friday sequel has been brewing for some time, with Curtis and Lohan’s interest in revisiting their iconic roles. The strong bond between the two actresses, who shared a special connection while filming the original movie, adds to the excitement surrounding the sequel. With a talented director like Ganatra at the helm and a dedicated production team, the sequel is poised to recapture the magic of the first film while delivering fresh laughs and heartwarming moments to audiences.
As details continue to emerge about the Freaky Friday sequel, fans can look forward to seeing Curtis and Lohan back on the screen together, bringing their infectious chemistry and talent to a new chapter in the beloved story. The sequel promises to offer a nostalgic trip down memory lane for fans of the original movie while introducing a new generation to the timeless appeal of this classic tale of body-swapping and family dynamics. Stay tuned for more updates on this highly anticipated sequel as filming gets underway in Los Angeles.