“Jersey Shore” star Sammi “Sweetheart” Giancola recently announced her engagement to boyfriend Justin May on Instagram, sharing pictures of the proposal and her round diamond engagement ring. May also shared the news on his account, expressing his excitement to marry his best friend. The couple, who have been together since 2021, received congratulations from their MTV co-stars, including Angelina Pivarnick, Pauly D, Deena Nicole Corteste, and Mike “The Situation.” This will be Giancola’s first marriage, following her high-profile relationship with co-star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and her subsequent engagement to Christian Biscardi, which ended in July 2021.
Giancola rose to fame as one of the original roommates on MTV’s “Jersey Shore,” which ran for six seasons from 2009 to 2012. She currently stars on the sequel series, “Jersey Shore: Family Vacation,” after taking a break from the show for several seasons. Her relationship with Ortiz-Magro was a central storyline on the original series, but they ultimately broke up after years of dating both on and off camera. Giancola later became engaged to Biscardi, but the relationship ended after four years, leading to her current engagement to May. The news of her engagement was met with excitement and well-wishes from fans and fellow reality TV stars.
The couple’s announcement was met with an outpouring of support from fans and followers, with many expressing their happiness for Giancola and May. The couple has been together since 2021 and appear excited about taking the next step in their relationship. Giancola shared details about the proposal and her happiness at becoming engaged, while May expressed his love for his future wife-to-be. The pair’s engagement marks a new chapter in Giancola’s personal life, following her past relationships that were chronicled on reality TV.
Giancola’s engagement marks a significant milestone in her personal life, as she prepares to marry May after a whirlwind romance. The couple’s engagement has been met with excitement from fans and followers, who have been following Giancola’s journey on reality TV for years. The news of the engagement was shared on social media, with both Giancola and May posting pictures and messages about their upcoming wedding. The couple’s announcement has generated buzz among fans of the “Jersey Shore” franchise, who have been following Giancola’s love life since the show’s debut.
Giancola’s engagement to May comes after a series of high-profile relationships and breakups, including her past romance with co-star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro. The couple dated on and off during their time on “Jersey Shore,” but ultimately went their separate ways after the series ended. Giancola then became engaged to Biscardi, but the relationship ended in 2021, leading to her current engagement to May. The news of her engagement has been met with excitement and congratulations from fans, friends, and fellow reality TV stars, who have been following Giancola’s journey on television and social media.
In conclusion, Sammi “Sweetheart” Giancola’s engagement to Justin May marks a new chapter in her personal life, as she prepares to walk down the aisle for the first time. The couple’s announcement has been met with excitement and congratulations from fans, friends, and fellow reality TV stars, who have been following Giancola’s journey on television and social media. The news of the engagement has generated buzz among fans of the “Jersey Shore” franchise, who have been following Giancola’s love life since the show’s debut. As Giancola prepares for her wedding day, she and May can look forward to sharing their special day with loved ones and embarking on a new chapter together as husband and wife.