Rebel Wilson, an Australian comedian and actress, recently revealed in her memoir, “Rebel Rising,” that she experienced her first orgasm at the age of 39. She achieved this by herself after listening to sex podcasts and purchasing pleasure toys. Wilson was surprised by the experience and questioned what she had been missing out on all these years.
In her book, Wilson shared that she reached the big “O” after going on about 50 first dates and having sex with two people she was seeing during the year 2019, which she dubbed her “Year of Love.” She admitted that she had never really learned about orgasms and had never focused on her own pleasure during sex in the past. It was always about the man reaching climax, and she quickly realized that there was more to sex than just that.
After her “Year of Love,” Wilson dated businessman Jacob Busch for several months between 2020 and 2021. They eventually split, and she went on to find love with fashion designer Ramona Agruma. The couple got engaged in November 2022 but did not announce it until February 2023 when Wilson had already welcomed a baby girl via surrogate. Wilson also shared in her memoir that she lost her virginity at 35 years old to actor Mickey Gooch Jr.
Wilson emphasized in interviews that not everyone has to lose their virginity as a teenager, and it is okay to wait until one feels ready or more mature. She believes this message could be positive for young people who may feel pressured to engage in sexual activities before they are ready. “Rebel Rising” was released on April 2 and shed light on Wilson’s discoveries and experiences with sexuality later in life. Wilson’s journey to self-discovery and pleasure offers a new perspective on sexuality and the importance of prioritizing one’s own pleasure in intimate relationships.