Rebel Wilson, the star of “Pitch Perfect,” recently shared a personal story about losing her virginity at the age of 35. Wilson admitted that she used to feel embarrassed about the topic and even lied to her friends about when it happened, making up a story about losing it in her 20s. She avoided conversations about virginity and felt pressure to conform to societal norms about when it should happen. Wilson believes that becoming sexually active later in life should be normalized so that younger people don’t feel pressured to do it before they’re ready.
Wilson shared that she probably would have explored her sexuality more if she had been born 20 years later, as society’s views on relationships and sexuality have evolved. After her father’s death, Wilson began to open herself up to different possibilities and eventually realized she had feelings for women as well. She explained that she never believed she was “100 percent straight” and believes that many people do not want to define their sexuality in concrete terms. Wilson hopes that by sharing her story, she can help others feel more comfortable with their own journey of self-discovery.
In a separate interview, Wilson discussed how she used to feel pressured to conform to society’s expectations about when someone should lose their virginity. She stated that she would leave the room when the topic came up and felt like a “loser” when people talked about losing their virginity in their early 20s. Wilson emphasized the importance of allowing people to wait until they are ready to become sexually active, regardless of their age, and hopes to spread a positive message that it’s okay to take time to explore one’s own sexuality.
Wilson’s upcoming memoir, Rebel Rising, delves into her personal experiences, including her journey of self-discovery and coming to terms with her sexuality. She shared that she welcomed her first child, Royce Lillian, via surrogate in 2022 with her now-fiancé designer Ramona Agruma. Wilson believes that her experiences and the evolution of society’s views on relationships and sexuality have played a significant role in her own journey of self-discovery.
The actress hopes that by sharing her story and experiences, she can reassure others who may be going through similar situations that they are not alone. Wilson emphasized the importance of normalizing different timelines for sexual exploration and allowing people to define their own sexuality in a way that feels authentic to them. She believes that society has come a long way in accepting different forms of relationships and hopes to continue spreading a positive message of self-acceptance and self-discovery.
Rebel Wilson’s candid interviews and upcoming memoir shed light on the complexities of navigating relationships and sexuality in a society that often imposes rigid norms and expectations. By sharing her personal journey, Wilson hopes to empower others to embrace their own unique path of self-discovery and to challenge societal pressures to conform to specific timelines and definitions of sexuality. Through her honesty and vulnerability, Wilson offers a message of self-acceptance, authenticity, and the importance of embracing one’s true identity.