The Independent Investigation Office of B.C. is currently investigating a police incident that occurred in Penticton, involving a man being shot with a ‘less-lethal’ sponge round. The incident took place on Monday morning along the north end of Skaha Lake. Police were initially alerted to a reported stabbing around 5 a.m., with the complainant indicating that the armed suspect was heading towards him before the call was dropped. Officers rushed to the scene but couldn’t locate the victim. The suspect was later found by the washrooms, where he refused to comply with police directions and a less-lethal round was deployed, hitting the man.
The man was taken into custody and transported to the hospital for assessment, where he was treated for a possible serious injury. It was later determined by the police that the man taken into custody was the same person who made the 911 calls, and that there was no actual victim from the original call. The Independent Investigation Office stated that the man was in possession of a weapon, and there was no evidence of anyone being stabbed as initially reported in the call. Initial investigative steps by the IIO indicated that the man’s injuries met the threshold of serious harm, and further investigation will determine if police actions were necessary, reasonable, and proportionate to the circumstances.
While the RCMP released information about the incident, the IIO’s statement to the media did not mention the man being shot, let alone with a less-lethal round. The IIO is urging anyone who witnessed the incident to come forward and contact their witness line at 1-855-446-8477 or use their online contact form. The investigation will seek to determine the circumstances surrounding the use of force on the man and whether it was justified. The incident has raised questions about police response to emergency calls and the use of less-lethal force in situations where the presence of a weapon is reported.
The use of less-lethal force by police has been a topic of debate and scrutiny, especially in cases where serious harm is caused to individuals. The IIO’s investigation will shed light on the actions taken by police in this particular incident and their adherence to protocols when dealing with potentially dangerous situations. The public’s trust in law enforcement is often impacted by the handling of such incidents, and transparency in the investigative process is crucial in maintaining accountability and public confidence in the police force. The outcome of the investigation will provide insight into the events that transpired and the decisions made by officers on the scene.
It is essential for law enforcement agencies to review their training and procedures regarding the use of force, especially in situations where individuals may be armed or pose a threat to public safety. The deployment of less-lethal rounds in such circumstances must be carefully considered to prevent unnecessary harm or injuries to individuals involved. The investigation into the Penticton incident will likely lead to recommendations for improvements in police response and the use of force tactics to ensure the safety of both officers and members of the public. The findings of the IIO’s investigation will play a crucial role in determining the accountability of the officers involved and addressing any shortcomings in their actions.