Pluto, the smallest and most distant planet in our solar system, will begin its retrograde in Aquarius on May 2. During this time, Earth’s orbit around the sun causes Pluto to appear to be moving backwards. Pluto is known for its association with endings and downfall, teaching us that destruction is necessary for creation. The planet rules Scorpio, a sign associated with transformation and power struggles.
After spending an extended period in Capricorn, Pluto moved into Aquarius last year. The planet will retrograde in Aquarius before moving back into Capricorn in September. This retrograde period is expected to last five months, during which the collective is urged to come together for a common cause. The choices made during this time will have a significant impact on the future, especially as it coincides with election season.
Pluto’s retrograde in Aquarius is a time for introspection and reflection on how power is accumulated and wielded. Unhealthy attachments and addictions to material items or indulgences will be highlighted during this period. It is important to consider whether our relationships with power support or subvert the status quo, as we cannot move forward without addressing these issues.
Astrologer Evan Nathaniel Grim emphasizes the importance of collaboration during Pluto’s retrograde, urging the collective to rally behind a common cause. The choices made during this period will shape the future landscape and determine whether we move towards chaos or community. It is a time for facing fear, embracing change, and believing in a better future.
As Pluto tests its children and cuts loose what holds them back, it is a time for shedding old patterns and attachments. This period of retrograde encourages us to burn what no longer serves us in order to create space for transformation. It is a time to embrace the unknown and challenge the existing power structures in order to create a new world order.
Ultimately, Pluto’s retrograde in Aquarius serves as a powerful reminder of the cyclical nature of life and the importance of endings for new beginnings. It is a time to reflect on our relationship with power, collaborate with others, and embrace change. By facing our fears and releasing old patterns, we can move towards a brighter future.